April 29, 2008
Spanish publishing statistics 2007
The National Statistics Institute (INE) has published data for the year 2007 on publishing in Spain. The press release issued by the INE stresses that the total number of copies published was 226.9 million, a decrease of 11.3% over the previous year. Another highlight is that the number of titles published increased by 10.0% in 2007 to reach 72,914 books and pamphlets, which represents the highest figure in recent years. This figure includes mainly first editions (68,439 titles), as well as reissues (4,475 titles). The INE reported that, by category of items, more than a quarter of the titles published belonged to literature, history and literary criticism. The data are surprised that the continued rise of editing textbooks, which grew by 7.0%, by contrast, the publication of books for children decreased by 2.6%. Public institutions are responsible for 13.4% of the titles published. The INE allows online consultation on the detailed statistics of the Spanish edition since 1999.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing Statistics | Published: April 29, 2008
March 17, 2008
Libraries of Castilla-La Mancha. Statistics 2006
The Department of Culture of Castilla-La Mancha has updated statistical data on its Network of Public Libraries. Since 1997 2005 data are disseminated from a specific server, which can be found in the statistical yearbook, the most significant data directory, public libraries, as well as data Overall from which one can hear the evolution of English-reading public Mancha. In summary, the data for 2006, the last published, yield a figure of 532 service outlets, of which 5 are state public libraries, 8 bibliobuses and the remaining 519 are for municipal libraries. The target population is 99%, providing a service station for every 3,632 inhabitants. With regard to infrastructure, the network has a post reading for every 75 inhabitants, while he was still a high percentage of the available facilities reduced, as the 42.3% have a smaller space of 100 m2. The degree of automation continues to grow, increased from 71.4% in 2003 to 85.9% in 2006. The same occurs with the number of libraries that have Internet connectivity, which has risen from 67.1% in 2003 to 88.7% in 2006. The data collections indicate that there are documents 2.67 per capita, having purchased in 2006 0.21 papers per capita spent on acquisitions and 2.19 euros per inhabitant. The number of loans per capita was 2.23 and 3.26 visits. In the network of public libraries in this community working 1,010 people, of whom 801 are library staff. Each library has an average of 1.9 librarians. The data developed, the comparative and other information of interest can be seen on estadisticasdebibliotecas.jccm.es.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Public libraries Statistics | Published: March 17, 2008
February 19, 2008
Statistics libraries 2006
The National Institute of Statistics (INE) has just published the Statistics libraries belonging to 2006, which collects, as has been done since 1975, information concerning the National Library, Central Library CA (7), public libraries (4,115), libraries for specific user groups (317), libraries of institutions of higher education (334) and specialized libraries (1,749). You can consult the detailed results of 2000 to 2006 from the server statistical INE, which allows consultation detailed data for the generality of Spain and the different Spanish regions. Overall, according to data from 2006, a press release issued by the agency highlights the increased use of library services; a continuous process of modernization of facilities, as well as a better allocation of computing and Internet access. However, the library staff is professional again in indexes that do not reach 30%.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Statistics | Published: February 19, 2008
August 18, 2006
Libraries in Navarra
August 18th, 2006
The Instituto de Estadística of Navarra (IEN) has edited the report Las bibliotecas de Navarra en 2004: características y funcionamiento, (Libraries in Navarra in 2004: features and work), which gives basic data of libraries in that Autonomous Region. As it is said in the statistic report, there were 120 libraries in 2004, 81 of them are public. They are given figures about the opening hours, Internet connetions, users, loans, funding, infrastructure and equipment. The IEN is the responsible for the statistical data about libraries in that region, after and agreement signed in 2004 with the Instituto Nacional de Estadística, (National Institute of Statistic, INE).
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Statistics | Published: August 18, 2006
January 30, 2006
Spanish Culture Statistics
The Department of Culture has published the Cultural Statistics Yearbook for 2005, where they are updated the data published in The figures for Culture in Spain, published in 2002. The interest of that work is the collection of data from different cultural sectors like publishing, scenic and musical arts, cinema and video. Moreover, it is offered information about cultural employment, cultural companies, public funding and expenditure in culture, expenditure in cultural consumption at homes, copyright, foreign trade with cultural goods, cultural tourism, doctrines of the cultural field, cultural habits and practices or heritage. In this publication they are offered the last figures on archives, libraries and museums in Spain. The data about libraries are based on the statistics from the National Institute of Statistics, (INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadística). The yearbook offers a sumary with the basic information for each area, providing its evolution since 2000, and several graphics that show the cultural data for Spain in a visual way.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Statistics | Published: January 30, 2006
December 16, 2005
2004 Public Libraries Statistics
The Nacional Institute for Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, INE) has just published the Libraries Statistics for 2004, where we can see an improvement in comparision with the figures for 2002. It has to be emphasized the increase by 10.3% in the number of users, by 23% in the visitors, and 20.4% in the number of libraries with access to the Internet. The Statistic gives a number of 8,099 service points, with 6,585 libraries, most of them with publicly- owned (79.4%), the funding is from the public administration by 84.3%, by 73% of the libraries have Internet access, and the average size is between 5,000 and 10,000 volumes of printed documents.The INE makes possible the enquiry in detail to the Libraries Statistics for 2000, 2002 and 2004 and the download of the data since 1999.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Statistics | Published: December 16, 2005