July 21, 2008
Good practices in school libraries
The Ministry of Education, Sports and Social Policy has just published the monograph School Libraries: ideas and best practices II. As its title indicates, this is a second volume of the work of the same title published in 2006 and now is only available in pdf format. The publication of 2008 follows the same pattern of 2006, providing two articles a series of theoretical and practical experiences. The first article was written by Julian Pascual and how they should be developing plans readers center. The second article is the work of Mariano Crowns and analyzes the potential for school libraries to expand its business beyond schools. Then follow a series of good practice, described by those responsible for the following school libraries: College Public Pablo Iglesias (Soto de Ribera, Asturias), CEIP Mare de Déu del Remei (Alcover, Spain), The Wall CEO ( Icod el Alto, Los Realejos, Tenerife), CP Jose Maria Calatrava (Merida, Bangkok), IES Leopoldo Cano (Valladolid), IES Terra do Xallas (Santa Comba, La Coruna) and IES Salvador Victoria (Monreal del Campo, Teruel). The book ends with the statement by the Municipal Plan of dynamization of school libraries of Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid).
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs School libraries | Published: July 21, 2008
May 26, 2008
Plan to improve school libraries
The Council of Ministers on May 16, 2008 adopted a new budget for improving school libraries. The government allocated nine million euros to buy collections and computer and audiovisual materials to libraries in schools. The plan to improve school libraries began in 2005, having spent the ministry of education (in its various denominations) totalling 52 million euros. It is also a programme for interregional cooperation, as the Autonomous Communities are committed to invest an amount identical to those received for improving their school libraries. The plan for 2008 has focused especially for the libraries of schools and artistic language, while addressing primary and secondary education. The distribution is done according to the number of public schools and pupils, so Andalucia and Catalonia are the communities most benefit, followed by Valencia and Madrid.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: May 26, 2008
May 23, 2008
Growth of the School Libraries Directory
The Board of School Libraries, available since November 2006 on the website of the German Sanchez Ruipérez Foundation, has reached 140 entries. This directory is intended to be a tool to identify and facilitate the location of school libraries functioning in Spanish at different educational levels and a specimen of good practice. The entries in the directory containing information of a different character for each registered library: identification data, location, contact, facilities and services. In addition, it includes the project developed by the library and a picture gallery. Currently, there are a representation of all the autonomous communities, as well as all levels of education. Schools wishing to join the directory are available in a form that must be completed with the information and data requirements.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources School libraries | Published: May 23, 2008
April 07, 2008
Resources in the school library
The Ministry of Education and Science has published the book The articulation of resources in the operation of the school library. It belongs to the collection Classrooms summer, which publishes the papers presented at various summer courses whose organization participates in the MEC. The primary objective of this publication is to analyze the educational use of the school library, through its documentaries and educational resources. Among the authors are prominent professionals in the school libraries, such as Joseph Garcia Guerrero, Gloria Durban Rosa Piquín or Guillermo Castán. Jose Guerrero reflects on the library as a resource in the educational project. Elias Moreno explains the importance of human resources. Antonio Merchán focuses its text to the library as an element of support skills in reading and writing. The article by Gloria Durban is oriented education documentary. In a nearby line is the paper Piquín Rosa, who explains what projects are integrated documentaries. Jose Manuel Luque provides abundant examples of the types of information that school libraries must provide in the webs of their schools. Guillermo Castán addresses the issue of social inclusion and the integrating function of the library. The library as a meeting place has been chosen by Alfonso Pomet, who develops actions to incorporate the community to the library and the school library to the curriculum. It is a collective work that will be very useful to professionals in the libraries of schools. You can see a review on the blog Alfinred.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs School libraries | Published: April 07, 2008
March 07, 2008
In the letter
The Documentation Center of Children and Youth Literature (CILIJ) of the Foundation Germán Sánchez Ruipérez has published in print a new issue of the Bulletin In the letter, a book that aims to support the promotion of reading that takes place in the classroom and the school library. The number 17 is dedicated to the letter S (Dream), and its contents revolve around the imagination and fantasy. In this release suggests a series of articles for adults, and provides an activity to be developed at school. It includes reviews of books for children and young people and other resources related to literature for children and adolescents. Also, the electronic version in pdf format Al literally number 16, devoted to new technologies, is now available, along with the rest of the numbers earlier in the section of CILIJ dedicated to the service of the Faculty.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents School libraries | Published: March 07, 2008
January 29, 2008
Improving Aragonese school libraries
The government of Aragon has deep inroads into the quality of the libraries of schools of this community college is not for the current 2007/2008 course. In the Official Gazette of Aragon of January 28, 2008 has solved the call for improvements in public schools. The investment will be 202,000 euros, according echoes the Journal of Aragon. The aid can be found on Educaragón and range between 700 and 3000 euros. The main purpose of this aid is to increase the quality of the sites and services of school libraries Aragonese, contributing to the plans of provincial and school libraries promote reading and writing of Huesca, Teruel and Zaragoza in the current school year.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: January 29, 2008
November 02, 2006
School libraries directory
The Germán Sámchez Ruípérez Foundation has put online the Directorio de Bibliotecas Escolares, (School Libraries Directory). It makes it easier to get information about libraries in educational institutions (not in colleges) in the Spanish Autonomous Regions. It is intended to be a tool for the identification and the easy location of the Spanish school libraries which are into operation in the several educational levels, moreover, it will be a good practices collection. The inclusion of libraries is restrained by some minimum requirements, both, quantitative and qualitative. The database has been started with fifty school libraries records, which have been chosen for the quality of their projects, their holdings and their facilities. The number will grow up with new libraries which have projects, whose data can be sent by the form available online. The entries of the directory have differnt informations about aech registered library: identification and location data, contact, facilities and services. Meoreover, it includes the project developed by each library and a gallery of pictures.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: November 02, 2006
October 31, 2006
First National Conference about School Libraries
The Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Castilla y León, (Culture and Education Department), The Fundación Universidades de Castilla y León, (Colleges Foundation), and the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, have organized the I National Conference about School Libraries, that has been held in Salamanca from 18 to 20 in October. National and international experts have taken part in it. In the communications, and in the round tables, they talked about the current situatuon of school libraries and about their integration in the educational and curriculum project of the centers. There were showed teaching and learning experieces, and there was debated the problem about the school libraries model. Among the conclusions, it is remarkabe the need for the adaptation to the new Ley Orgánica de Educación, (Education Organic Law), in wich it is demanded to public administration the implententation of school libraries in all the educational centers; the implication of all the school community in the project, and the importance of the school libraries in the pedagogic and didactic project in the center, as well as the reading promotion.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: October 31, 2006
July 11, 2006
Libraries and Education
In June 19, it was hold in the National Library Assembly Room, with the title of “Bibliotecas y Educación: una relacion a debate", (Libraries and education: focus of debate), a professional conference held by the National Library, the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, and the Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC). In that conference, in which there were numerous professionals in libraries and education, it was debated the spreading of the information literacy, as well as its promotion in libraries. One of the aims of the conferences was to open the debate about the presence of libraries in the education and the professional profile that librarians working in educational centers should have. Moreover, it was meant to announce the current situation of school libraries, the pending reforms, and the future guidelines. The papers and the texts for the round-tables are accessible on the Sedic website.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: July 11, 2006
April 17, 2006
New plans for Reading Promotion
The Junta de Andalucía has showed its Plan de Lectura y Bibliotecas, (Reading and Libraries Plan), (Plan LyB), starting an specific programme aimed to support school libraries and promotion reading in public education institutions. The plan will be carried out through four academic years and it involves a budget for the endowment of school libraries and the starting of new projects of reading promotion. Another interesting initiative in this plan is the creation of the Biblioteca Virtual Escolar de Andalucía (Andalucía Virtual School Library). On the other hand, the Junta de Castilla y León, has passed its Plan de Lectura, (Reading Plan), in which, among other aims, it is expected for a half of the total population, to have a card for the public library at the end of the plan, in 2010. It is a remarkable fact that the laws for public reading in this Community will be modified, and a public library is bound by this requirement in municipalities with more than 1,000 inhabitants.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading School libraries | Published: April 17, 2006
February 28, 2006
Reports about school libraries
Two Autonomous Communities have done two works that analize the state and the use of school libraries, in order to know their current situation. The Consejería de Educación y Ciencia of the Junta de Comunidades in Castilla-La Mancha, in collaboration with Alcalá College, have edited the work "School Libraries in Castilla-La Mancha:Mancha:anaylsis of the current stuation: year 2005-2006, by Vrginia Ortiz-Repiso and José Antonio Camacho. The aim of this work, which is the starting point for the design of future improvement strategies, is to achieve a good quality network of libraries, through the analysis of the state and te use of school libraries.
The journal Pinakes has been edited in Extremadura at the same time. The Dirección General de Política Educatva is in charge of it. It is avaliable in printed format and online. The article is tittled “ Análisis de la situación actual de las bibliotecas escolares extremeñas de los centros públicos”, (Analsys of the current stuation of shool librares in public schools from Extremadura). The work has been an intiative of the Consejería de Educación, and it is the result of an opinion poll made in Primary and High Scool Centers in the year 2004-2005, and it is intended for the promotion and the improvement of School libraries in Extremadura.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: February 28, 2006
December 09, 2005
School Libraries Funding
Spanish Government has passed in November 11st the distribution of 25 millions of Euros to support school libraries inside high schools and professional training centers for this scholar year, “ in order to put them in the required standards for a modern and economically advanced society”.
The distribution of the funds, as it is said in the agreement signed with the autonomous regions, will be carried out taking into account the number of centers and students, being as it comes: Andalucía 6,080,194; Aragón 680,334; Asturias 561,371; Baleares 441, 763; Canarias 1,452,583; Cantabria 328,424; Castilla y León 1,543,408; Castilla-La Mancha 1,388,268; Cataluña 3,404,964; Valencia 2,490,263; Extremadura 863,584; Galicia 1,924,554; Madrid 2,481,224; Murcia 835,820; Navarra 344,379; Rioja 178,866.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: December 09, 2005
October 04, 2005
School Libraries in Spain
The report “Scholastics Libraries in Spain: analysis and recommendations” has been just published. The responsibles are the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez and the Idea Institute. The report has four sections. In the first two sections it is made a general view about the position of libraries in Europe and In the Spanish Comunidades Autónomas. In adition, a great study, starting from the interviews made to 16,000 students and 3800 teachers from 400 schools. With this work a significative resume of the matter has been made. In the last section, we can find the conclusions and the recommendations.
Among the recommendations: to establish an escholastic libraries plan which can be developed and completed in accordance with the educative law, to guarantee the necessary resources for libraries to be open in the afternoon and during weekends, the opening of coordinating centres or technical and technological support sevices for scholastic libraries and to strengthen its cooperation with public libraries.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs School libraries | Published: October 04, 2005