April 17, 2008
Yearbook of Children and Youth Literature 2008
The SM Group has presented the Yearbook on the 2008 book for children and teens. This publication includes statistical information, trends and an analysis of the sector during the year 2007. The yearbook also presents data from the literature for children and teens in Catalan, Basque and galician, as well as their presence in several Latin American countries. The full text of the Yearbook can be downloaded from the Web SM. In the press release by which it has disseminated the publication of the yearbook for 2008 provides some data as outstanding children's literature and youth continues gaining presence in the publishing industry Spanish, with nearly 60 million copies and rising billing 14'8%. It stresses that the fantasy genre is still booming thanks to the publication of new titles and the closure of trilogies of success. According to this source, 64'2% of those under 14 read by choice.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing Publications and documents | Published: April 17, 2008
April 09, 2008
Publication on Astrid Lindgren
To mark the birth centenary of Astrid Lindgren, the International Center of the Book of Child and Youth FGSR has edited a publication on this Swedish writer. It proposes an approach to her figure through the guise that it makes Eva-Maria Metcalf, a professor at the University of Mississippi. The publication is also a tour of the bibliography of the author edited in Spain, review of some of the works carried out by his characters most emblematic, and it is incorporated in another section bibliographic references related materials available Astrid Lindgren in the documentation centre. Closes publishing a directory of sites where you can find more information related to the author. The publication is available in full text.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: April 09, 2008
March 15, 2008
Mobile libraries professionals
The Association of Professional Mobile Libraries () 2007, which has been prepared on the basis of surveys of attendees at the Third Congress of National Mobile Libraries, which held in Guadalajara on 19 and October 20, 2007. The first part of this report consists of a contextualization of the mobile libraries in the Spanish state, where they are active in 79 bibliobuses, belonging to 29 different library services: 9 municipalities (9 bibliobuses), 13 provincial councils (42 bibliobuses), 7 governments autonomic (28 bibliobuses). The study from 35 surveys answered by library staff, but also by drivers bibliobuses, in several cases with dual profile (librarian and driver). The paper reported ACLEBIM issues such as certification of personnel, working hours, the access system for the post, seniority, salary or cooperation. It also carries out a qualitative analysis, incorporating questions on the valuation of the work of these professionals. Some data from this assessment can identify a high degree of vocation personnel serving mobile library services, as well as a close relationship with users. The report closes with a number of conclusions, among them this one, as the culmination: "Although much remains to be done and many people to meet, we must look to the future with hope. New technological and managerial greatly facilitate the integration of these services as a part of the library systems. has to come a time when the services can not be accommodated without modernity. It is a matter of time. Which current services arrive in good condition that time, and the creation of new ones, is the responsibility of all, for all of a sudden, for librarians for these services their spare motivation and commitment."
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Mobile libraries Publications and documents | Published: March 15, 2008
March 07, 2008
In the letter
The Documentation Center of Children and Youth Literature (CILIJ) of the Foundation Germán Sánchez Ruipérez has published in print a new issue of the Bulletin In the letter, a book that aims to support the promotion of reading that takes place in the classroom and the school library. The number 17 is dedicated to the letter S (Dream), and its contents revolve around the imagination and fantasy. In this release suggests a series of articles for adults, and provides an activity to be developed at school. It includes reviews of books for children and young people and other resources related to literature for children and adolescents. Also, the electronic version in pdf format Al literally number 16, devoted to new technologies, is now available, along with the rest of the numbers earlier in the section of CILIJ dedicated to the service of the Faculty.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents School libraries | Published: March 07, 2008
February 10, 2006
Guidelines of interest to libraries
The working groups on public libraries, that are integrated by professionals from the Ministerio de Cultura (Culture Department) and from each of the Autonomous Communities, have carried out an excellent labour as creators of documents of interest to libraries. The Working Group on Digital Collections has published, in printed and electronic format, the “Guidelines for digitalization projects”, directed to public collections and holdings, in particular to those in the care of libraries and archives. It is an adaptation from the document with the same title endorsed by IFLA. The Working Group on Libraries City Sistems has finished its guidelines with the same title, in which recommendations are offered for the organization libraries networks in cities. All the generated documents in those groups can be consulted in the Travesía server, they are in the texts and reports section.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: February 10, 2006
January 26, 2006
Monograph about School Libraries
The journal Cuadernos de pedagogía dedicates its 352 issue, December, 2005, to school libraries, as a monograph. We can find in it interesting articles about what the present is and about what the future will be for school libraries in Spain, about the various models for libraries development and about the place that those kind of libraries should have inside the context of information and communication technologies. Likewise, in that issue, reflections about reading and its importance in the first stages of growing can be provided, so as experiences and resources for reading promotion. Among the authors of the articles can be found important personalities on libraries and reading fields, as Antonio Basanta, José Antonio Millán, Rosa Regás, Teresa Colomer, Nuria Ventura, Kepa Osorio or José Antonio Camacho.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: January 26, 2006
January 09, 2006
Professionals in the Basque Country
The Basque Association for professionals on Archives, Libraries and Documentation Centres, (ALDEE: Asociación Vasca de Profesionales de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentación), has edited a CD-ROM in what, under the tittle of The Information and Documentation in Euskadi: anlysis of the professional profile, they gather six reports and a manifest about the profession in the Basque Country. The gathered reports are: “The information professionals and the documentation in Euskadi: context and recent history of the profession”, “ Basque professionals in archives, libraries and documentation centres”, “Strategies for the revitalizaton of the profession: archives, libraries and documentation centres for the XXI Century”, “Professionals on information training in Euskadi”, “Duties, tasks, and categories of the professionals on information and documentation”, and “ A proposal to elaborate a code in good practices for the professional on information (archives, libraries and documentation centres)”. Moreover, it also includes the “Manifest for the recognition of the information and documentation professionals in Euskadi”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals Publications and documents | Published: January 09, 2006
January 03, 2006
Latin American Public Libraries Journal
It is already on-line the 18 issue of Correo de Bibliotecas Públicas Latinoamericanas, from October to December 2005. This journal has become the means of spreading for the activity in public libraries in Latin America. As it was done in previous times, in that issue it is given information about national and international events. Moreover, in its news section, it spreads the most important activities made in diverse Latin American countries. In a separated section, it is offered information about plans related to public libraries. Lastly, it offers summaries of printed and electronic publications in that matter.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Public libraries Publications and documents | Published: January 03, 2006
September 21, 2005
Competences of the information professional
The professional association SEDIC, as the Spanish entity participating in the European Council of Information Associations, has adeited the competences and abilities of the European professionals of the Information (ECIA) with the tittle Euroferencial en Información y Documentación. This report is a second review of the competences and abilities approved bi the ECIA in 1999. In the 2004 version, 33 competences are stablished, and they are divided divided in 5 fields: Information, technologies, communication, management and “other knowledges”. In the same way, they are related to 20 abilities gruped in sections: Relations, search, research, communication, management and organization.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: September 21, 2005
January 10, 2005
Libraries and children literature
Platero, the Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes children and youthful literature portal, has included among its documents the Ana Garralón’s article La imagen social de la biblioteca en España. Libros infantiles y juveniles (The social image of the library in Spain. Children and youthful books) that completes the important contributions that this author had already made about infantil literature in Spain and Latin-America and that can be consulted in the catalogue of Platero portal of this excellent digital library. Ana Garralón is an expert in children literature and this is showed by her work in specialized magazines. In this article she asks Is the library a place attractive enough for a writter to use it in a story? In this extense document she analyzes how library and librarians are seen in tales and different children works. The reflexions are accompanied by a big bibliography, in which all the texts commented in the article are found.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: January 10, 2005
February 12, 2004
Electronic publishing in Library and Information Science
The Multimedia Information Service of the Complutense University in Madrid has edited a DVD with the texts of different conferences and publications sponsored by this organization. To be precise, you can consult the lectures of the Jornadas de estudio sobre las revistas científicas de Biblioteconomía y Documentación en España, the I Jornadas profesionales sobre publicaciones electrónicas de Biblioteconomía y Documentación, the Portal E-ByDoc de recursos electrónicos sobre Biblioteconomía y Documentación and the special number of the magazine Documentación de las Ciencias de la Información.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: February 12, 2004
January 08, 2004
Report on information society in Spain
Telefónica has published the report La sociedad de la información en España (Information Society in Spain) started in 2002. The study gathers different fields of application of information and communication technologies, such as home, business enterprise, education, health or entertainment. It includes, besides, a glossary and a bibliography. This study completes the one published by Fundación Auna in 2003.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information society Publications and documents | Published: January 08, 2004
September 03, 2003
Spain and the information society
The Fundación Auna has published the 2003 edition of its annual report about Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información en España. Among the different treated subjects they offer the Spanish normative framework, the use of the TIC by the Public Administrations, enterprises and citizens, and also the implication of the TIC in the electronic commerce, turism, health, science, formation or local administration. In the final chapter they offer acomparative with the European contest and the activity in (Comunidades Autónomas) regions is ilustrated. Some of the annexes in this report can be consulted online.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information society Publications and documents | Published: September 03, 2003
July 02, 2003
Guidelines about public libraries
El Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte has published the Guidelines IFLA/UNESCO para el desarrollo de Bibliotecas Públicas. The publishing (ISBN 84-369-3640-X) has been made in an excellent format, appropriate for a so important document like this. Guidelines can also be consulted online and downloaded from Unesco.
In te same way, the Pautas sobre los Servicios de Bibiliotecas Públicas (Guidelines for public libraries services), written by a working group formed by representatives of the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte,Comunidades Autónomas y Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias, are accessible in the Internet. Both documents are obliged referents for public libraries.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: July 02, 2003
May 27, 2003
Report on the public library in information society
The Servei de Biblioteques de la Diputació de Barcelona has made the report La biblioteca pública: nuevos retos y estrategias en la sociedad de la información, in which the new stages in the public library are analised, the fields in which it should
move, the new professional profile, tha planification, spaces, services and the strategic lines that they must follow. The report can be found in the web.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: May 27, 2003