April 26, 2008
Tribute to public libraries professionals
Among the various events organized this week by public institutions to celebrate the Day of the Book have drawn attention to two surveys municipal librarians that have taken place in Murcia. The municipality of Molina de Segura gave the name of Mercedes Mendoza its public library. Mendoza was the librarian of the center for 34 years, until 2000. As explained in the newspaper The truth, all municipal groups agreed this tribute which was adopted in October 2007. Moreover, the council of Yecla has named a square-ups as Librarian Francisco Azorín Albiñana. The news published in the newspaper La Azorín was true that the primary responsibility of the Municipal Public Library since its inception in the year 1944 and until the year 1966. Subsequently developed his career in the National Library and was always very connected to this town of Murcia. These two acts join tributes similar localities that want to recognize the work of its municipal library, as happened Almagro, whose library is named after Manolita Espino, head of its public library for 26 years.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News Professionals | Published: April 26, 2008
April 15, 2008
FESABID renews its Directorate
The Spanish Federation of Societies of Archives, Library, Museum and Documentation (FESABID) has renewed its governing board. On Saturday April 12 this federation held an extraordinary assembly in which they conducted the elections for the renewal of their governing bodies, as the then president, Miguel Angel Esteban, had resigned. Esteban said goodbye to the members of the Assembly with a report that was made public on the blog FESABID. The new board of directors is headed by Glòria Salmerón Perez, a representative of COBDC. His career has always been linked to the area of the public library. Since September 2005, heads of Cooperation Service Librarian Generalitat de Catalunya. I accompany in managing FESABID, Jose Antonio Merlo Vega, representative of APEI, as Secretary; Alvaro Concha, representing SEDIC, as treasurer; Thomas Bustamante, representative of the ABA, such as voice, and Jose Angel Garro, representing ALDEE, as vocal. The professional backgrounds of the new board are available on the web FESABID.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News Professionals | Published: April 15, 2008
February 16, 2008
150 years of library profession
Between 13 and February 15, 2008 took place in Madrid on VIII Congress ANABAD, under the slogan Memory and technology and which have commemorated the hundred and fifty years after the creation of the first group of officials librarians. On July 17, 1858 establishing the body optional class work and that the administration wants to bring professionals to the archives and libraries Spaniards. The professional development of this scale was considered one of the papers of the congress, headed by Augustine Torreblanca, Technical Advisor of the Ministry of Economy and Finance. In addition, it was reported that the National Library is developing a biobliografía body, which will update the data collected during the editing done on the occasion of the centennial of this body of librarians. The conference offered simultaneous meetings in specialties: archives, libraries, museums and documentation. Indeed, the concluding observations were made separately, as they were submitted to the general and other archival section.
The Ministry of Culture was a large representation at the conference, with the active presence of the deputy heads of archives and libraries. The General Coordination Branch Librarian presented the results of their activity, while some gave information that will be of great importance for the librarian Spanish landscape, including the formation of the Council of Library Cooperation, a body created recently by Royal Decree 1573 / 2007 (BOE 1/1/2008). This Council will be constituted on March 12, 2008 in Jaca, in the days of Library Cooperation to be held annually. The Council consists of five technical committees: national and regional library, public libraries, school libraries, university libraries and specialized libraries. It is anticipated that all are incorporated in those days. Among the conferences devoted to libraries highlighted by the sharp Lluis Anglada, dedicated to libraries in the digital society, which gave a historical overview of the relationship between libraries and technologies from a thoughtful and analytical perspective. For Anglada, at the present time libraries should recover as a space (physical or telematics), think of people as objects (using information literacy) and the purpose (facilitating informed of the fact). The congress was continuing information collections digital repositories and collectors. In addition to a workshop on the subject offered by Digibis, was scheduled a conference on the various digital libraries coordinated by the Ministry of Culture, who confirmed its policy of support for the creation of repositories and announced the release of aid for 2008. Very interesting was the conference on fifty years of legal deposit in Spain, offered by Montserrat Olivan, head of this service at the National Library, who reported on the current status of legislation pending reform. The cooperation was one of the major themes of the section of libraries. Bethlehem Llera, Technical Director of the National Library, presented the national and international cooperative plans, especially those that are derived from European eContentplus programme in which our country participates, as ENRICH, devoted to manuscripts. According to Maria Antonia Carrato, Assistant Director-General for Coordination Librarian, it is expected that libraries Spanish participate in other projects of this initiative, to be launched shortly, as ED Local Interoperability between local collections, and MICHAEL plus, which will conduct a inventory multilingual digital collections. The university libraries were represented by Margarita Taladriz, who reported the involvement of Madroño in national projects such as E-Science and Europeans, as a driver. Taladriz, director of the library at the Carlos III University of Madrid, also reported the involvement of their university consortia as Nereus and NEEO, both related and related information economy. Another of the panels was dedicated to libraries and cultural management. Two sessions of communications on libraries, with experience on public libraries and specialized basically. At these sessions was presented the experience of BiblioRedes, Chilean project for digital literacy and informational. The inaugural lecture was given by the professor of philosophy Jose Luis Villacañas, while the closing was offered by the novelist Luis Mateo Diez, who championed the literary memory as a tool against oblivion.
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Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals | Published: February 16, 2008
January 27, 2008
Professional weblogs Spanish
Professional associations are aware of the usefulness of blogs as a system of information and means of communication with its members. Several groups librarians who have launched blogs to publish information, initiate discussions or spread calls. The simplicity of the system for publishing weblogs, along with the potential for participation, through comments, have contributed to the logs are the tools chosen by various associations Spanish as a resource for information. Thus, the blog Sedic has become since its inception in April 2006 in a landmark among professional blogs in Spanish. It has a broad and active drafting team, besides having its partners Theme of the month. Another partnership that has invested strongly format blog has been ASNABI, whose blog, in operation since March 2007, is an excellent source of information on libraries in Navarre. ANABAD has several blog, maintained by their various associations federated. So, the blog-Anabad Galicia, available since July 2006, news reports profesiales, with special attention to their autonomous region. Similarly, the blog Anabad-Aragon, which was established in October 2007, is the communication channel of this association in the region of Aragon. In late 2007, in the month of December, was born Garabuya, log APEI, the blog through which disseminated information concerning archives, libraries and documentation, with special emphasis on those related to Asturias. The last professional blog created in January 2008, has been the Index, the association of professionals from the region of Murcia, in the community which will focus mainly published information.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals | Published: January 27, 2008
December 02, 2007
Forum professionals in Seville
On November 3 and December 1, 2007 took place the III Forum Specialist Information and Documentation of Andalusia, conferences, on an annual basis, the Association organizes Andaluza de Documentalistas (AAD). This year the common theme was The Social Web: new challenges and strategies in the information society, becoming the first professional meeting devoted entirely to the social and Web applications in the information centres. The framework paper was presented by Jose Antonio Merlo Vega, a professor at the USAL and vice president of APEI, who analyzed the characteristics of this new Internet, their bases and their applications. The web social libraries was the subject of the paper Dìdac Margaix, librarian at the UPV, who gave a detailed lecture on concepts Library 2.0, with abundant examples of services and practices. One of the panels was dedicated to blogs and their role in the professional field. This table was coordinated by Jorge Serrano, a pioneer in the blogosphere specializes in information and Spain participated in the same authors of some of the key logger on libraries and information: Alvaro Cabezas (Documentation, Library and Information), Miguel Calvillo (Nosololibros) , Nieves Gonzalez (Bibliotecarios_2.0, among others) and Catuxa Seoane (Deakialli). The officers returned to record the excitement surrounding weblogs in the profession, as a tool for communication and information. Interventions of participants and the public showed the time of maturity and consolidation in which the logs are already professional Spanish. Digital libraries were also the subject of attention being debated at this forum. Javier Alvarez gave a lecture in which he studied the content and social orientation of various electronic services Andalusians, particularly the Virtual Library of Andalusia, one of the oldest of its kind in Spain. In the last roundtable discussion on digital heritage conservation from eCollections, being present makers of digital libraries as Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library or Ilíberis Project at the University of Grenada. The table also participated Antonio Gomez, the BPE Huelva, who briefed the attendees of the project activity and Calimera orientation citizen of the site of the Provincial Library of Huelva, one of the few Spanish library entry own in Wikipedia. The presentations of this Forum III will be available on the website of the FMA and summaries of the speeches are now available in some of the blogs listed in this note.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals | Published: December 02, 2007
September 26, 2006
Information Professional profile
Information and Documentation professionals from the Basques Country, called for the Grupo de Trabajo del Perfil Profesional (working group of the professional profile), of ALDEE, have got together in September 21st,2006 in the conference “The profession in archives, libraries and information centres, in wich they were debated the actions that the Basque infromation workers should do in order to develope the prefession in that autonomous region. The responsible for the opening communication was Jesús Gómez, author of several texts about librarianship. He discoursed upon the current professional profile. The closing lecture was in charge of José Antonio Merlo Vega, who talked about the professionals abilities; he also ofered the state of the matter of the profession in Spain, and he took a decalogue about the features that establish a good professional.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals | Published: September 26, 2006
September 19, 2006
Professional ethics code
The Collegi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, (COBDC) has edited its Código deontológico (Professional ethics code), in which they are gathered several ethic guidelines for librarians, and information professionals. In the code, they are considered the general pronciples, the services for users, the documentary holdings, the relations among colleagues, the management of the centers, etc. The COBDC would like to do a periodic update of the document, that has been edited in Catalan, Spanish and English. Moreover, that professional group has edited a leaflet called Bibliotecarios-Documentalistas: qué hacer y qué ofrecer a las organizaciones del siglo XXI, (Librarians and Information professionals: what to do and what to give to the 21st Century Organizations.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals | Published: September 19, 2006
January 09, 2006
Professionals in the Basque Country
The Basque Association for professionals on Archives, Libraries and Documentation Centres, (ALDEE: Asociación Vasca de Profesionales de Archivos, Bibliotecas y Centros de Documentación), has edited a CD-ROM in what, under the tittle of The Information and Documentation in Euskadi: anlysis of the professional profile, they gather six reports and a manifest about the profession in the Basque Country. The gathered reports are: “The information professionals and the documentation in Euskadi: context and recent history of the profession”, “ Basque professionals in archives, libraries and documentation centres”, “Strategies for the revitalizaton of the profession: archives, libraries and documentation centres for the XXI Century”, “Professionals on information training in Euskadi”, “Duties, tasks, and categories of the professionals on information and documentation”, and “ A proposal to elaborate a code in good practices for the professional on information (archives, libraries and documentation centres)”. Moreover, it also includes the “Manifest for the recognition of the information and documentation professionals in Euskadi”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals Publications and documents | Published: January 09, 2006