June 10, 2008
Plenary of the Observatory of the Book and Reading
On Monday, June 7, 2008 was set plenary of the Observatory of the Book and Reading, a body attached to the Ministry of Culture whose mission analysis of books, reading and libraries. The Observatory was regulated by the Council of Ministers on November 30, 2007 and by Royal Decree 1574/2007 of 30 November, which regulates the Centre of Reading and Book (BOE 01-01-2008) . According to the Regulations "The Observatory is made up of House representatives from the Ministries of Culture, Industry, Tourism and Trade, Education and Science, and the National Institute of Statistics, the chairman of the Cooperation Council Librarian; six representatives of the Autonomous Communities , Appointed by the Sector Conference on Culture and a representative of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces. Also has representation from the universities, various professional associations of booksellers, writers, publishers, collecting societies of copyright and professionals of archives, libraries and documentation. The House on a proposal by the President, shall appoint up to five experts in the field of reading the book and libraries. " Experts appointed in the House to join the observatory were Jose Antonio Marina, Jose Antonio Millán, Alejandro Tiana, Alfonso Garcia and Jorge Urrutia. The autonomous regions that have been incorporated into the House are those that have similar observatories, which are Andalusia, Castilla-La Mancha, Castilla y Leon, Ceuta, Extremadura and Madrid.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Law News | Published: June 10, 2008
April 26, 2008
Tribute to public libraries professionals
Among the various events organized this week by public institutions to celebrate the Day of the Book have drawn attention to two surveys municipal librarians that have taken place in Murcia. The municipality of Molina de Segura gave the name of Mercedes Mendoza its public library. Mendoza was the librarian of the center for 34 years, until 2000. As explained in the newspaper The truth, all municipal groups agreed this tribute which was adopted in October 2007. Moreover, the council of Yecla has named a square-ups as Librarian Francisco Azorín Albiñana. The news published in the newspaper La Azorín was true that the primary responsibility of the Municipal Public Library since its inception in the year 1944 and until the year 1966. Subsequently developed his career in the National Library and was always very connected to this town of Murcia. These two acts join tributes similar localities that want to recognize the work of its municipal library, as happened Almagro, whose library is named after Manolita Espino, head of its public library for 26 years.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News Professionals | Published: April 26, 2008
April 15, 2008
FESABID renews its Directorate
The Spanish Federation of Societies of Archives, Library, Museum and Documentation (FESABID) has renewed its governing board. On Saturday April 12 this federation held an extraordinary assembly in which they conducted the elections for the renewal of their governing bodies, as the then president, Miguel Angel Esteban, had resigned. Esteban said goodbye to the members of the Assembly with a report that was made public on the blog FESABID. The new board of directors is headed by Glòria Salmerón Perez, a representative of COBDC. His career has always been linked to the area of the public library. Since September 2005, heads of Cooperation Service Librarian Generalitat de Catalunya. I accompany in managing FESABID, Jose Antonio Merlo Vega, representative of APEI, as Secretary; Alvaro Concha, representing SEDIC, as treasurer; Thomas Bustamante, representative of the ABA, such as voice, and Jose Angel Garro, representing ALDEE, as vocal. The professional backgrounds of the new board are available on the web FESABID.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News Professionals | Published: April 15, 2008
March 29, 2008
Conference on children, youth and school libraries
The Foundation Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Salamanca convenes the Conference on children, youth and school libraries, to be held on 29, 30 and May 31, 2008. This year's edition under the title and subtitle: The family and one more reading at home. Programs, activities and thoughts about the development of reading in the family. This encounter wants to bring adults mediators related to these topics (librarians, educators, cultural managers and parents) different programs and activities carried out by agencies and national and international associations, along with a reflection on the importance of reading within the family and its relations with other readers spaces. A series of conferences, workshops and experience, in charge of national and foreign specialists, will establish the framework for developing proposals responding with a practical approach to these issues. The complete program, registration and accommodation on the website of the Conference.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: March 29, 2008
March 21, 2008
Architecture and libraries
The Ministry of Culture has put in the net the project Architecture and libraries, since it wants to disseminate the architectural heritage of the Spanish public libraries. The site offers a visual tour of various public libraries, showing quality images and spaces in walls of the schools. It offers the possibility to consult the collective photographs from different libraries, grouped by routes or routes, either through eras, styles or geographic areas. The project has started providing images of public libraries in Grenada de Aragón, La Coruna, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Lerida, Salamanca, Teruel and Zamora. It is hoped that this resource grows with input from various public libraries wishing to share pictures of their heritage.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Buildings and facilities News | Published: March 21, 2008
March 12, 2008
Constitution of the Cooperation Council Librarian
Today is the House Library Cooperation Council, an entity created by the Law on the reading of books and libraries, such as "collegial body composition that inter-library cooperation channel between the government" (Article 15.2) , which was standardized by the 1573/2007 DR. The House is constituted within the XII Meeting on Cooperation Librarian, which this year was held in Jaca. The rules of this Council provides various technical committees that are expected to remain well established in today and they are as follows: Cooperation of the National Library of Spain and the National Libraries and Regional Autonomous Communities; Public Libraries; Libraries Schoolchildren; University Libraries, and specialized libraries. In addition to the constitution, the first agenda of this Council debated proposals on the Plan Bibliographic Extraordinary Endowment for the improvement of public libraries, pay for the PLR, the Plan for the Promotion of Reading, catalog Collective Heritage Library, the collection of quantitative data from libraries or the definition of an agenda and some evidence unified access to the various bodies and scales librarians in all public administrations.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: March 12, 2008
February 27, 2008
Gold Medal of Merit at Work for a librarian
The Minister of Labour today delivery Gold Medal of Merit at Work Jose Rincon, who has developed his career as a librarian at the University of Salamanca. Pepe Rincon has worked since 1961 in the General Library of the Historical USAL, being responsible for submitting their collections and explain their story to the many visitors who have this symbol library. The nomination was submitted by the chancellorship of the University of Salamanca in April and granted by the Council of Ministers in December 2007. The press office of the USAL has published a note with the portrayal of this librarian who can be represented in the professionals who make the library part of their lives.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: February 27, 2008
October 23, 2006
Library days
The Internacional Association of School Librarianship (IASL), held last October 23 the School Library Day, that had been in October other times, but in diferent days. In the web they are the acts that have been held in the diferent countries under the slogan Reading, Knowing, Doing. In October 24, is also held in Spain, the Library Day, and so man libraries are organizing acts in order to commemorate it. Some examples of this are: the campaign La biblioteca más allá de la biblioteca, (libraries further away libraries), held by Reading Extremadura, the program from the Public Library of Cuenca, the Week of the Library in the Library of Andalucía, or the activities of the Public Netork of Municipal Libraries in Albacete, etc. The same day is also commemorated for the Asociación del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (Children’s and Junior’s Books Association), with several activities, posters and an opening speech for the youngest readers.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: October 23, 2006
August 29, 2006
Lebanese Libraries Blog
Diferent professionals from Lebano and France, has just created the blog called Biblian, in which it is described the situation after the bombings happened in July and August in 2006. Up to now, the messages in the blog give information about the situation of public readnig during and after the attacks and after making appeals for librarians in all the world, or after the consecuences of the attacks in Lebanese publishing world. In the pictures gallery, you will see the state of some libraries after the Israeli bombings. The blog also informs about how to give economic aid in order to restorate libraries that have been closed. The public reading network, included 70 libraries, 33 of which were closed, 4 were afected for bombings, and only 37 are normally or partially opened.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: August 29, 2006
July 20, 2006
Libraries Conferences
During the next months, they will be held two specially important conferences for Spanish Public Libraries. In 18, 19 , and 20 of October it will be held in Salamanca the I Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Escolares (I National Conference on School Libraries), convened by the Junta de Castilla y León and the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. Numerous Spanish professionals and politicians will take part in it. The program includes subjects as “School libraries inside the educational System”, Institutional programs for school libraries” and “Collaboration frameworks : School libraries networks”. On the other hand, in 29 and 30 of March it will be held in Murcia, the III Congreso nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas, (III National Conference of Public Libraries), organized by the Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, through the Subdirección General de Coordiación Bibliotecaria, in collaboration with the Autonomous Regions, the Federación Española de Municipios y Provicias (FEMP), foundations and professional associations. The content have been arranged in three thematic areas: Public Libraries, sphere of learning”, “Public Library: new places and emerging services” and “Public Libraries and digital settings”.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: July 20, 2006
April 10, 2006
Libraries Marketing
The IFLA calls yearly its International Marketing Award, to award the best initiatives related to marketing in all kind of libraries. The first prize in 2003 went to the Consorci de Bibliotecas de Barcelona, and in the last hold, in 2006, the third prize went to the Servicio Regional del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas de Castilla-La Mancha, (Regional Service for Books, Archives and Libraries in Castilla-La Mancha), for its campaign Biblioteca Púlica: pasa sin llamar, (Public Library: there is no need for knockin). It is an travelling exhibition to explain what a public library consist in. For that, they have used information boards which explain the services of a public library in a didactic way.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: April 10, 2006
December 19, 2005
Exhibition in the National Library
From November 16th to February 19th it can be visited the exhibition Biblioteca en guerra (library in war), which has been made for the National Library itself. The organizers of the trade fair, Blanca Calvo and Ramón Salaberría try, through the exibition, to pay tribute to the work of creation, spread and development of the libraries services, and the reading promotion carried out in libraries during the First Republic and the Spanish Civil War.
The exhibition is composed by texts, books, pictures, posters and audiovisual materials. It is divided in four parts: Time warp, which as an introduction place visitors in that period, starting on 23 April 1931, first Day of book during the period. In Libraries for a Republic it is set out the work made in this field in municipal and proletarian libraries by Pedagogical Missions, societies or other actions promoted by groups of diverse nature. Library in war is the central core and it is divided in several sections, each one of them identified through a personage. It is demanded the figures of Tomás Navarro Tomás, director of the National Library, Teresa Andrés, who took libraries to the battle front inside lorries of Popular Culture, Jordi Rubió, director of the Library of Catalonia, and Maria Moliner, who introduced the first library plan in Spain, taken an special care with rural libraries. To finish, everything is summarized in Epilogue: the end and the exile, the achievements, expectations and unsuccessful works in all that work.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: December 19, 2005
May 02, 2005
Book and Reading Observatory
The Consejo de Ministros carried out on the 22nd April 2005 surprised the book and library professionals with the presentation of the Informe sobre iniciativas de promoción de la lectura y del libro (Report on initiatives of reading and book promotion). The Consejo de Ministros note says:
“the Consejo de Ministros have received a report on the evolution of the main initiatives in which the Government are working related to reading and book promotion. Among them, we can remark that the Projecto de Ley General del Libro y de Promoción de la Lectura (General Law Project on Book and Reading Promotion) is in preparatory phase. The works for the starting of the Observatorio del Libro y la Lectura (Book and Reading Observatory) are also very advanced, that in a very satisfactory way are working in some countries around ours and have the intention of analyzing the situation of the sector, making suggestions of many kinds and realizing different programmes. Finally, the Minister of Culture has informed about the collective action that the Ministeries of Education and Science and of Culture mean to develope, in cooperation with Regions (Comunidades Autónomas), for the implementation of school libraries in the whole national territory.”
This good news is received with other similar, with the difference that it is a reality and not a project. In this mounth of April they have started the first observatory of this kind in Spain, It is the Observatorio del Libro y la Lectura en Extremadura (Book and Reading Observatory in Extremadura), an initiative from Pacto Extremeño por la Lectura, from which we can know the state of the art in this Region related to book, reading, reading promotion and libraries.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: May 02, 2005
April 01, 2005
School Libraries in Galicia
The Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia has summoned the Plan de mejora de bibliotecas escolares en centros públicos no universitarios (Improvement Plan for school libraries in public centres other than universities). In Educative Portal of this Consellería we can consult this order published in the DOG of 29th March 2005. The plan remarks the selection of projects for the starting of school libraries and it says the following: “The school library is a strategic resorce for the pedagogical innovation that helps the revitalization of educative practices and the cultural life in the centres, and it is also an opportunity for teachers and pupils to use different resources that let a progressive autonomy in learning”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: April 01, 2005
January 14, 2005
Asian libraries after the tsunami
Different institutions are valuing the disasters suffered in the libraries of the countries that have been victims of the tsunami of 26th December 2004. The IFLA has created a web site to spread the press releases that the affected libraries wanted the profession to know. In the note of 6th January 2005 the Sri Lanka National Library calculates that in its territory the damaged libraries have been 177 school libraries, 53 public libraries and 68 religious entities libraries. In 7th December 2005 the Sri Lanka Disaster Management Commitee for Libraries, Information Services and Archives was created, with the support of the National Library of this country, the UNESCO and the IFLA.
This commision is valuing the damage and the reception of aids. In press releases of 10th and 12th January 2005 the commision created for the disaster asks for economic aid, architectural planes, movible libraries, furniture, computing, audiovisual and office material, and also advisers and sponsors. More information about the disaster can be found in the specific pages of the Sri Lanka National Library and UNESCO.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: January 14, 2005
December 29, 2004
Spanish National Library new web
Spanish National Library has updated its web, changing the design, reorganizing pages and giving new informations. The web site has been structured in five groups: use of library, collections, catalogues, services and digital library. This last section is the newest, because from it, we have access to the digitalized funds of the National Library. According to the current figures, in the BNE catalogue are included 2.020.672 modern books from 1831, 89.283 old books to 1830, 7.984 manuscripts and documents, 117.817 magazines and newspapers, 78.294 prints, drawings and pictures, 40.085 maps and planes, 39.432 videorecordings, 100.245 scores and 205.500 sound recordings. The number of reproductions to which we can access from the Digital Library is 8550.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: December 29, 2004
October 20, 2003
W3C Office in Spain
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) opens its office in Spain today and it will be located in the Fundación para el Fomento de la Investigación Científica y la Tecnología (FICYT) in Oviedo. According to the press release given by the W3C the Spanish office will be vey near the Spanish-speaking world, as well as the rest of the central offices this institution has in Europe. The W3C is a cooperative entity that works for the development of common protocols for the Internet, reason why having a representation in Spain is so important.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: October 20, 2003
August 19, 2003
Intelectual profiles
U.S.A. Government is taking unimaginable measures in its supposed strategy against terrorism.It seems that nobody surprises that liberties are being reduced in the name of invisible enemies possible threat. American libraries are being affected by the regrettable initiatives from the government, because the FBI has asked them information about their users and the documents they consult, with the intention of getting their intelectual profile. Ignacio Ramonet, director of Le Monde Diplomatique, offers this and other examples of the unconscionable actions of Bush’s Administration in the interesting editorial in the number of August 2003 of this publication.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: August 19, 2003
August 08, 2003
Librarians without power (but with information)
El Pais diary in its edition of July 31st 2003 published some declarations made by José B. Terceiro, after this expert in information society presentation in the Cursos de Verano de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Profesor Terceiro said: “Contary to what is thought, information is not always power. Librarians, who have no power, are the people who have more information. Politicians, who represent power, used to be very bad-informed.”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: August 08, 2003
May 29, 2003
Iraq Nacional Library disaster
Javier Gimeno Perelló, librarian of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid has sent to the PUBLICAS list an alarming message about the loss suffered in the Iraq National Library at the beginning of the occupation of this country by the American army.
Given below we offer part of this message, due to its importance of knowing hereditary losses of a centuries-old culture caused by incoherent policies and irresponsible acts:
“National Library, inaugurated in 1977 with a building of 10.240 m2, built in the arabic architectural arabic stile, special in windows and lattices, architectonic jewel thanks to its beauty, spaciousness and services, had thousands of manuscripts, all of them fuel to the flames. Among the most relevant losses we shoud emphasise: El Canon en Medicina de Avicena (980-1037 d. C.), that was manual of medicine universities for centuries, not only in Slamic countries but also in mast of the occidental countries; Tratado sobre los números de Abu Said al-Magribi (1819); Tratado sobre pesos y medidas de Kadim b. Qasim al-Hasani (1851); Najh al-Balaga (El Camino de la retórica) de Ali b. Abi Talib, Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law, year 1160. Maniuscripts also included in the National Library written in Persian and Turkish were burnt too.They have also lost the whole documental section about the Ottoman Empire kept in the library, including thousands of letters and missives; the collection formed by near half million of documents related to the Hachimita Family, to which the Iraq Royal Family belonged, and also all their private books, kept there. A big number of letters and missives refered to the relationship between Iraq and the Sharif Husayn of Meca before the Great Arabic Revolution”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: May 29, 2003