July 21, 2008

Good practices in school libraries

The Ministry of Education, Sports and Social Policy has just published the monograph School Libraries: ideas and best practices II. As its title indicates, this is a second volume of the work of the same title published in 2006 and now is only available in pdf format. The publication of 2008 follows the same pattern of 2006, providing two articles a series of theoretical and practical experiences. The first article was written by Julian Pascual and how they should be developing plans readers center. The second article is the work of Mariano Crowns and analyzes the potential for school libraries to expand its business beyond schools. Then follow a series of good practice, described by those responsible for the following school libraries: College Public Pablo Iglesias (Soto de Ribera, Asturias), CEIP Mare de Déu del Remei (Alcover, Spain), The Wall CEO ( Icod el Alto, Los Realejos, Tenerife), CP Jose Maria Calatrava (Merida, Bangkok), IES Leopoldo Cano (Valladolid), IES Terra do Xallas (Santa Comba, La Coruna) and IES Salvador Victoria (Monreal del Campo, Teruel). The book ends with the statement by the Municipal Plan of dynamization of school libraries of Villanueva de la Cañada (Madrid).

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs School libraries | Published: July 21, 2008

June 17, 2008

ThinkEPI Yearbook 2008

The ThinkEPI Group, consisting of several professional information science in all its areas, published in April the second edition of the Yearbook ThinkEPI, which portrays the profession during the past year 2007. In this release of nearly three hundred pages are collected the notes disclosed by the Group during that year states on the issue in different subjects of today through his blog and mailing list IWETEL, as well as the discussions in line with them. Also contains a selection of news coming out of IWETEL and DocuMenea on the most important events of the past year in this area. It closes the document with an article by Emilio Delgado Lopez Cozar and Mercedes de la Moneda Corrochano in which the figures are broken down by the profession during that year: statistics library and publishing, library administration bodies, professional groups and conferences, congresses and meetings.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: June 17, 2008

April 07, 2008

Resources in the school library

The Ministry of Education and Science has published the book The articulation of resources in the operation of the school library. It belongs to the collection Classrooms summer, which publishes the papers presented at various summer courses whose organization participates in the MEC. The primary objective of this publication is to analyze the educational use of the school library, through its documentaries and educational resources. Among the authors are prominent professionals in the school libraries, such as Joseph Garcia Guerrero, Gloria Durban Rosa Piquín or Guillermo Castán. Jose Guerrero reflects on the library as a resource in the educational project. Elias Moreno explains the importance of human resources. Antonio Merchán focuses its text to the library as an element of support skills in reading and writing. The article by Gloria Durban is oriented education documentary. In a nearby line is the paper Piquín Rosa, who explains what projects are integrated documentaries. Jose Manuel Luque provides abundant examples of the types of information that school libraries must provide in the webs of their schools. Guillermo Castán addresses the issue of social inclusion and the integrating function of the library. The library as a meeting place has been chosen by Alfonso Pomet, who develops actions to incorporate the community to the library and the school library to the curriculum. It is a collective work that will be very useful to professionals in the libraries of schools. You can see a review on the blog Alfinred.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs School libraries | Published: April 07, 2008

March 05, 2008

Public libraries and cultural management

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Murcia region has published the monograph The library, the area of culture and participation, which has been coordinated by Jose Antonio Gomez Hernandez and Pedro Quílez Simon. The book contains the speeches of the conference, on the same subject, ANABAD organized in Murcia in October 2007. The chapters are grouped into two major blocs, a theoretical guidance, which contextualizan cultural actions for which public libraries can be an actor, and a second which reflects experiences and models of cultural management library. The monograph opens Isabel White, director of the Municipal Service Library of A Coruna, who develops the different aspects of the planning of cultural management from the public library. Margarita Perez Pulido and Jose Luis Herrera Morilla, professors at the University of Extremadura, offered a chapter on marketing and Pedro Quílez, developer cultural Regional Library Murcia, lectures on the formation of cultural manager at public libraries. Complete Part chapter on new ways to promote reading, headed by Jose Maria Barandiarán. In terms of experience and practical models have been included texts on the Camas Municipal Public Library (Seville) and the Library Civican Pamplona. The paper includes a chapter on social inclusion and cultural experiences as well as on other marketing and extension.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: March 05, 2008

September 12, 2006

Fights for Public Libraries in Spain

The publishing house Almud, with the help from Anabad and the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, has edited the book Combates por la biblioteca pública en España (Fights for public libraries in Spain), where there are gathered several opinions and professional articles written by Juan Sánchez Sánchez, who has led the Servicio Regional del Libro,Archivos y Bibliotecas of the Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha for many years. The book is a compendium of contributions, researches and conferences from 1978 to now, including the farewell words that he said in the tribute done in Februay 11th, in Toledo, as a culmination of his labour in the Servicio Regional del Libro. The first chapter : ”Politics, society and libraries”, talks about the link between libraries and cultural policies. In the second one, “Public presence and libraries”, they are compiled opinion articles about culture and libraries. The third one gathers the situation of public libraries in Castilla La-Mancha, and finally, there is an epilogue with his own words and thoughts in order to say good bye as the leader of the Servicio Regional del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: September 12, 2006

April 25, 2006

Reading as a public service

The publishing house Trea has just published the work, La lectura pública: análisis de la Administración pública en los orígenes del sistema bibliotecario español, (Public reading: an analysis of the public administration in the origins of the Spanish library system), wrote by Genaro Luís Garcia López. The work fills a hole in the bibliographic output about the History of Spanish Libraries in the XIX Century. Contents are arranged in four sections. In the first one, it is studied the activity of the Central Government, while the Local Administration is studied in the second section. In the third section it is analyzed the Commissions aimed to manage the national goods, with liability on libraries. In the last one, it is told how those public and private organizations, have contributed to the development of the Spanish library system.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: April 25, 2006

January 18, 2006

Manual on Academic Libraries

The publishing house Síntesis has just Publisher the book La biblioteca universitaria: análisis de su entorno híbrido (The University Library: analysis in its hybrid environment), that has been coordinated by Luisa Orera Orera. They have joined several spanish university teachers. The new monograph is edited as a part of the collection “Biblioteconomía y Documentación” (Librarianship and Information Science), beside another important manuals related to libraries, archives and the information processing. In this book, they are gathered facts as the concept of university library, the buildings, automation, planning, evaluation, development and classifying of the collections, online information, users training and services for the university community.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: January 18, 2006

November 10, 2005

Book of books

The publisher Denes, has published the book “ Book of Books”, as a part of its collection Calabria. In that book there are 300 tales and curiosities related to books. The selection and the writing have been done by Enrique Gallud Jardiel, who has dedicated several paragraphs to tell anecdotes about libraries, like the story about The Pope Gregorio VII,who in order to promote the reading of The Bible, burned the Apolo Palatino’s Library for the other readings not to distract readers from The Bible; The story about the librarian who was said good bye for being inmoral, because he put together works wrote by men and works wrote by women; as well as the fact that the Leonardo Da Vinci’s Library had only 37 volumes.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: November 10, 2005

October 04, 2005

School Libraries in Spain

The report “Scholastics Libraries in Spain: analysis and recommendations” has been just published. The responsibles are the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez and the Idea Institute. The report has four sections. In the first two sections it is made a general view about the position of libraries in Europe and In the Spanish Comunidades Autónomas. In adition, a great study, starting from the interviews made to 16,000 students and 3800 teachers from 400 schools. With this work a significative resume of the matter has been made. In the last section, we can find the conclusions and the recommendations.
Among the recommendations: to establish an escholastic libraries plan which can be developed and completed in accordance with the educative law, to guarantee the necessary resources for libraries to be open in the afternoon and during weekends, the opening of coordinating centres or technical and technological support sevices for scholastic libraries and to strengthen its cooperation with public libraries.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs School libraries | Published: October 04, 2005

June 01, 2005

Guide for digital libraries

Trea Publishing has published the work Guía metodológica para la implantación de una biblioteca digital universitaria (Methodological Guide for the Creation of a University Digital Libray), realized by professionals and teachers in the Comunidad Valenciana. The book is structured in a progressive way, analyzing the different stages they must face in the formation of a digital library. The first chapters deal with terminology subjects and how to articulate a project of this kind; then, it treats more concrete subjects about the development of a digital library and aspects related such as copyright or cooperation.
Other older documents that will be useful for starting a digital library are Peter's work Noerr Digital The Library Tool Kit and that of Abby Smith Strategies for building digitized collections.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries Monographs | Published: June 01, 2005

December 27, 2004

Management of projects on information

Trea Publishing has edited the Ernest Abadal’s work Gestión de projectos en información y documentación ( Management of projects on information), first work of this kind published in Spain. Adabal’s background is well known because he has been investigating for years about Information in Barcelona University. Trea Publishing
has promoted its new publications in this way:
“The project management is a well known and used methodology that is useful to facilitate the design, planning and execution of products and services of any kind and from every sector. The information professionals use more and more the project management for the creation of new services ( for example, answering reference information consultations through web forms), for new products ( for example, the digitalization of a historic fund) or also for the reform suggestions of the already existing ones.
Therefore, the goal of this work is to put in contact both elements, that is, to adapt this methodology to the projects in the field of information, carried out by professionals in their organizations or by academicians in investigating scene.
The book is structured in three parts. Firstly, it deals with the concept of project and it details the five big stages in the project life: analysis, definition, design, planning and execution. Then, it gives a brief description and valoration of the main data searching techniques that are frequently used for the phases of project analysis and design. Finaly, it presents the main ways of getting economic resources for the project financing. Then, is includes a decalogue for a good projetc.
The exposition is accompanied with specific examples in the field of information that try to show the most practical and applicated side of the projects working as illustrations or graphic text complement.”

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: December 27, 2004

April 06, 2004

Libraries destruction

Fernando Báez has published in Destino Publishing the work Historia Universal de la destrucción de libros: de las tablillas sumerias a la guerra de Irak, in which he has studied how men have eliminated libraries and destroyed books from the very beginning of History.
The work is divided in three parts: The old world, from the age of Bizantium to the 19th century, and the 20th century and the beginning of the 21th century. Likewise, all cultures and places are taken into account, reason why this work is a unique means to know facts related to the obssession of men in erasing culture. Among many other outlines published from this book, the most remarkable is the one appeared in El Cultural magazine in March in 2004. This work has also a big bibliography about the history of books and libraries.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: April 06, 2004

March 31, 2004

New work on School Libraries

José Antonio Camacho Espinosa has published in Ediciones de la Torre the work La Biblioteca escolar en España: pasado, presente…y un modelo para el futuro (School Library in Spain: past, present…and a model for future). In this work he makes a historic journey through the presence of libraries in Spanish libraries and he also creates questions of organization, services, cooperation, etc.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: March 31, 2004

January 24, 2004

Library, a place of socializing

The La Sombra de la palabra (The shadow of the word) collection, from Anaya Publising, has published in 2003 a new title of library interest. It’s La Biblioteca, un espacio de cultura (Library, a space of culture), whose autor is Mercé Escardó i Bas, responsable for the Biblioteca Can Butjosa in Partes del Vallés (Barcelona). It is an original work in which the author’s personal experience and evolution as librarian are showed, issues that Mercé Escardó uses to think about library and its social function. The work includes a CD with purposes of invigoration of library.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: January 24, 2004

October 29, 2003

Publishing novelties

Trea Publishing keeps on offering new interesting titles for librarians.In the last weeks they have published Las bibliotecas nacionales: un estado de la cuestión (The national libraries: state of the art), by Juan José Fuentes, professor in the University of A Coruña, with a great professional background in the field of public libraries. In this complete work he analyses the concept of national library, besides offering the evolution of the most important national libraries and study other issues such as the colections in the national libraries, their buildings and physical facilities and the strategic plannification of this kind of institutions. On the other hand, Trea has published Nuevos horizontes en el análisis de los registros y la normativa catalográfica, by Ana Belén Ríos Hilario, professor in the University of Salamanca. In this second title she examinates the concept of bibliographic record and its conceptual structure; but the most important thing of this work is that it faces the file about functional requirements of IFLA, taking it as the basis of this new title, that fills a gap in the Spanish professional bibliography.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: October 29, 2003

June 26, 2003

Book on metadata

Trea publishing put in the trade at the beginning of 2003 the work Metadatos y recuperación de información: estándares, problemas y aplicabilidad en bibliotecas digitales de Eva Méndez Rodríguez, professor in Carlos III University in Madrid. In this monograpy she studies, firstly, the concept of metadata and matters related to the
attribution of metadata. In the second part, she makes a review through the different models of metadata, emphazising some schemes, as the Dublin Core or the RDF. In the third part she analyses the relatonship between metadata and digital libraries. The work closes with an annexure of terminology, another one in which the used acronyms are developed, and a third one with bibliographic information. Highly recommended.

Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: June 26, 2003