May 15, 2006
Libraries 2.0
The success of Web 2.0 spreads to other fields and there is talk of Computing 2.0, Company 2.0, Media 2.0 ..., and even of Library 2.0. It would be a library whose services would be aimed to users, especially what refers to electronic resources. The tools for Web 2.0 are favourable to the interaction with users and they demand their involvement in it in a new way. The notion was coined by Michael Casey in his weblog by October 2005, as a result of the implementation of the technology and the basic rudiments of the Web to libraries 2.0. The technology is the same as for the weblogs, unionization of contents and other metadata, folksonomies, tags, chats, forums and other communication systems, as wiki sites, podcasting, social bookmarks (, images files, (Flickr), videos (YouTube), etc. Some of the Spanish initiatives are those from the Basque Country Network of Libraries. They have sindicated some of their contents; the initiative from de As Mariñas High School in Betanzos, whose users can use their blog in order to publish articles. This tool -blogs- and the use of SGF channels, are the most common for the time being, but the variety of the resources widely opens the posibilities of our libraries.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information technology | Published: May 15, 2006