September 30, 2008
Directory of state-owned libraries
The Ministry of Culture has published the Directory of Libraries of State Ownership. This is a book printed to show the location data of all those libraries that depend on organs of the State General Administration. So, get information from libraries all ministries and agencies and institutes, the Cortes Generales, organ of the judiciary and other institutions like the Bank of Spain, the State Council, the Council for Nuclear Safety, the Economic and Social Council, the Ombudsman, the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation, the Constitutional Court and the Court of Auditors. This is a unique source of information because it is the first time they meet in the same resource data from all those libraries that are held with the State's general prespuestos: embassies, national museums, state archives, research organizations, military centers, public libraries state courts, royal academies, and so on. The directory can be ordered through the Publications Service of the Ministry of Culture.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: September 30, 2008
August 26, 2008
Search engines in webs of librarianship
The social Web technologies enable information resources are shared, since they are based on open applications where interoperability is guaranteed. Users can customize sites and services, according to their needs. For example, are various possibilities to set up specialized search engines in an area or target a specific type of pages. Services such as Rollyo and Swicki or customizable search engines of major search engines such as Google and Yahoo, through its services and Search Monkey BOSS, replacing its Yahoo Search Builder, provide a particular form of consultation on the website of the person or institution that has created this custom search engine, besides enabling the user to choose where he wants the resources to search. Thus, various consulting services that using these technologies, have created search engines specializing in library science, such as Blogs on reports and documents, with half a hundred selected sites, and SeekLIS, which allows simultaneous consultation to a hundred specialized blogs , Both created and Spain. In the international arena, custom vertical search engines are more prominent Libworm, you are looking at 1,500 sources related to library science, information and documentation, Liszen, which interrogates about 750 that allows resources and integrate its search engine to anchor engines Mozilla Firefox, and Librarian's E-Library, which directs his consulting some 300 sites and which also uses the Google API. it comes to search engines to the letter, a solution to personalize our websites, creating search engines that only consult sites and resources that previously have been selected, those sites that most interest to our users and our library.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: August 26, 2008
August 11, 2008
Geocultura, the Spanish cultural map
At the end of last July the Ministry of Culture presented Geocultura, a web application based on Google Maps in which are located geographically major cultural institutions in the country, including some 5,000 public libraries, 453 archives, museums and 1420 the 40 property declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco, as well as other cultural organizations. To these are added in successive stages new locations.
The availability of free tools geolocation has opened a new front in the web of possibilities: the launch of simple, free and reusable Google Maps (its API is undoubtedly one of the most reinterpretation) in late 2005 and other similar services has popularized the description of objects in terms of latitude and longitude, which is what is basically the geolocation; sírvannos as examples Flickr, YouTube or Panoramio, which allow geographically locate your photos and videos. Increasingly found at any site for a map showing the location of places, a trend which has joined the Ministry with this initiative.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: August 11, 2008
August 03, 2008
Historical collection of children's literature
The Centre International Book Children and Youth (CILIJ) from the German Foundation Ruipérez Sanchez de Salamanca had joined the catalogue Fund Historic Old images for the covers or covers of the books included in this catalogue. This fund is composed of 1413 titles of children's literature published before 1959. It is available for consultation in the catalogue Special Funds Documentation Centre CILIJ. This catalogue is available historical collection, comprising works of children's literature published before 1959 (Historic Old Fund), edited since 1960 (Modern Historic Fund), as well as compilations of Spanish authors (Library Author).
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: August 03, 2008
June 09, 2008
Readings and workshops for holidays
As every year, the Center for International Paper's Children and Youth (CILIJ) from the German Foundation Ruipérez Sanchez has made his selection of readings for holidays. This is a brief guide to the four titles on offer for every age group from 3 years old, from 6 years old, from 9 years old and 12 years from 15 years. It is twenty books for children and young people selected from quality criteria on which the premium tasteful. In all cases the reference and provides a description of argument. Works to spend a summer fun with the company a good book. In addition, the CILIJ has also prepared its list of summer courses related to libraries, reading and children's literature.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: June 09, 2008
May 23, 2008
Growth of the School Libraries Directory
The Board of School Libraries, available since November 2006 on the website of the German Sanchez Ruipérez Foundation, has reached 140 entries. This directory is intended to be a tool to identify and facilitate the location of school libraries functioning in Spanish at different educational levels and a specimen of good practice. The entries in the directory containing information of a different character for each registered library: identification data, location, contact, facilities and services. In addition, it includes the project developed by the library and a picture gallery. Currently, there are a representation of all the autonomous communities, as well as all levels of education. Schools wishing to join the directory are available in a form that must be completed with the information and data requirements.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources School libraries | Published: May 23, 2008
April 24, 2008
Yearbook 2008 Spanish libraries
Yesterday, the day the book was presented at the National Library of the Yearbook of Spain Spanish Libraries 2008, edited by the Foundation Alonso Quijano, also responsible for the magazine My library. The presentation was led by Raul Cremades, president of the foundation, and was attended by Manuel Carrion, Juan Sanchez, who spoke under his heteronym Mateo Gomez, and Conchi Jimenez, coordinator of the yearbook that was presented. Carrion ended his speech with the phrase "Felicitémonos all" and thus should be understood that the work yesterday showed the reader for the first time. This is a publication with a two-pronged. On the one hand it wants to offer the state of affairs in the Spanish libraries, which have commissioned reports to up to 66 different specialists and responsible for library systems. On the other hand, have met and discussed about a thousand of professional interest resources available online. The Yearbook is intended to continuity, but even that was not the case, already represents a milestone in the professional Spanish edition because it has never been collected in a single publication an overview of Spanish libraries, which is described by its own responsibility and institutional managers. In rare reports of pages each is given the activity of the National Library of the projects in which the Bureau is working Coordinating Librarian, the state of affairs of public and school libraries, community by community, as well as reality of university libraries, scientific and specialized Spanish. The information resources that are offered have been carefully selected and commented, so the Yearbook also becomes a work of reference required consultation. The publication opens with the results of a survey of librarians Spaniards, who has been analysed by Juan Sanchez. The edition is 5000 copies, of which only will go on sale thousand, and the rest will be distributed to libraries.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing Information resources | Published: April 24, 2008
February 21, 2008
What gives Google Books?
In late 2003 Google launched a new service, Google Print, which promised digitizing millions of books that would be available to full text via the Internet. We all remember the controversy that arose around the intellectual property of the texts and the reactions of the European authorities to the danger that suffered European culture of being overshadowed by the United States on the website.
In these four years, the Google Books now appears to have weathered the stakes suffered, and has incorporated new possibilities: downloading books in PDF, search the text of books, appeared versions in different languages, including Spanish, the search libraries (in the Spanish version of the catalogue REBIUN) and retail sites such as Amazon books online, and so on. Among the most recent is the option of creating a collection of books individually, in the purest style of Library Thing, which can be added documents, comment, and label them puntuarlos; this makes it one of the services on the web social or Web 2.0, which calls for the participation of Internet users.
At present Google Books is a collection of digitized books that are obtained through agreements with publishers and libraries. There are therefore two programmes for these two groups: the first allows publishers and authors to promote and market their books through this platform, while the second is possible to access documents and Discontinued. Among the participating libraries Spanish, along with several other American and European are those of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid and the National Library of Catalonia.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: February 21, 2008
February 11, 2008
The rise of the harvesters
The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) and the University Libraries Network Spanish (REBIUN) just to launch gathers: Collector open science, which joins the different collectors (harvesters) who were already operating in Spain, as ROAI, maintained by the Ministry of Culture, Dialnet offered from the University of La Rioja and constantly growing or Global TDX, managed by the Consortium of University Libraries of Catalunya and from there you can check the thesis in open access in Spain. These collectors national him join other internationals of great importance, because in their databases hosting a thousand information repositories, such as OAIster oScientific Commons. Collectors are metabuscadores employing descriptive data (metadata) of the documents contained in the various repositories existing and available for free consultation. Most of the software that are used to manage repositories use the OAI-PMH, which uses Dublin Core metadata for the representation of its contents. Collectors stored metadata from different repositories elected to provide the user with information on documents in open access and a link for downloading from the repository where they are stored. Thanks to OAI-PMH, the chances of recovery of the information contained in a repository multiply, and that the documents can be accessed directly from the repository that contains or reach them through the various collectors who have included such repository among his collection of resources on open access.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: February 11, 2008
December 19, 2007
Dictionary of authors of children's literature
The Foundation Germán Sánchez Ruipérez has put on line Dictionary Authors of Children and Youth Literature, which collects information from more than 700 writers and illustrators whose work, in whole or in part, is aimed at children and youth. The scope of the repertoire is national and includes profiles of authors born or resident in Spain. In each author is a portfolio that contains biographical information and professional, a list of awards and links to web pages, but also provides an account of the author's works available in the catalogues of the Centre International Book Children and Youth. The code has been developed with the collaboration itself of the authors who appear in the same, with the potential to upgrade and include data, as it will provide updates periódia way. Thus, writers and illustrators who wish to send new cards or modify data already published profiles have at their disposal a form. There is also a suggestion box for those wishing to post comments.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: December 19, 2007
May 30, 2006
Translators of Children’s and young people Literature Directory
Last May 17th 2006, the Translators of Children's and Young People Literature Directory was showed. It was drawn up by the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, in the Research and Documentation centre, sit in the Centro Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Salamanca, (International Center for Children’s and young people books), in collaboration with the Faculty of Documentation and Translation in the Salamanca University. That tool, which is available in the Internet, has 144 records and it gathers translators of children’s and young people literature borned or living in Spain. It gives information about their academic and professional profiles, prizes and works and languages they are translated into. Moreover, it has a form for translators who wants to join the directory and a suggestions box for those who are interested in it.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: May 30, 2006
March 22, 2006
Directory about Information Literacy practices
The UNESCO and the IFLA have put online the Internacional Information Literacy Resources Directory. It is a database about information literacy (in spanish "Alfabetización informacional", ALFIN) and it is divided in five sections: products, publications, organizations, training of trainers, and resources about ALFIN. The diretory is an international project managed by Jesús Lau, from the Veracruzana University, in Mexico. Queries can be done in it about 300 experiences and resources.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: March 22, 2006
December 07, 2005
Espasa Encyclopaedia Centenary
The American Universal Illustrated Encyclopaedia, which is usually known as The Espasa, is 100 years old this year, since it was first produced in 1905. Although its marketing didn’t start till 1908. The Espasa is said to be the great Spanish encyclopaedia for the XX Century, as it has worked since then as a reference and for the training of lots of Spanish people. It has 115 volumes, 200 millions of words, 500 millions of bibliographic references and more than 100,000 biographies.
A commemorative volume, called “The Century of The Espasa” has been published because of the cntenary. It includes a walk round the main events in the XX century and a selection of texts in order to see its progress along the century.
In an effort to adapt to modern times, its inheritor will be showed this year: The Great Universal Encyclopaedia, with 24 printed volumes, a DVD-ROM or CD-ROM, and a Knowledge Portal accessible in the Internet.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: December 07, 2005
June 16, 2005
Information literacy
One of the last professional weblogs presented is ALFIN: Information literacy, from which, according to its subtitle, recursos e ideas sobre cultura de la información y nuevas alfabetizaciones (resources and ideas about information culture and new literacies) are offered. The blog was made by José Antonio Gómez, professor in the University of Murcia and literacy and information expert, not only in the subjets he gives but also in the works he has published, as Estrategias y modelos para enseñar a usar la información (Strategies and models to teach using information), in which he was coordinator and was published in KR Publishing in 2000. ALFIN is a specialized blog, from which you can access to national and international documents about information training, reports, articles, information sources, etc, and also comments and reflections of this teacher.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: June 16, 2005
June 07, 2005
Information experts
Recently, two initiatives of professional interest have been spread and they are related to the identification of information experts in Spain and with the promoting of the discussion among professionals. The first one in EXIT, Directorio de Expertos en el Tratamiento de la Información ( Experts in Information Treatment Directory), with more than 150 Latin-American professionals related to Information. From each of them, data related to their occupational activity and their scientific publications are offered. The other new experience is ThinkEPI, born with the intention of gathering specialists from the different Information branches, to make the profession more dynamic, through reflexions and dicussions in different communication channels, above all through the distribution list Iwetel, which is now a referent among librarians, archivists and Spanish information professionals. The members of this group are offering, in a periodical way, different states of the art about the subjects in which they are experts, and they can be consulted in the Iwetel list and in the file created in the server of ThinkEPI.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: June 07, 2005
May 25, 2005
The Internet resources selections
Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia library has put its Guías BIBUNED online, in which they offer the Internet resources organized in Regions (Comunidades Autónomas). This selection joins to the existing about reference works, one of the most complete pages in Spanish about information sources online. On the other hand, the portal Travesía has included, in its section Ideas para bibliotecarios (Idesas for librarians), the page Recursos de Internet para usuarios de bibliotecas públicas (Internet Resources for public libraries users), from which they give access to those free servers that have been considered useful for public libraries. All the resources are accompanied with a short indicative summary about its content.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources Library collections | Published: May 25, 2005
January 19, 2005
Library information portal
La Rioja University has created the Portal de Información Bibliotecaria (Library Information Portal), as means for the Grupo de Trabajo de Formación of REBIUN to have access to different resources and documents of professional interest. In this portal they give professional bibliograpy, through specialized databases, e-magazines, articles, reports and texts of science meetings, etc. In other section they group the resources of library interest: institutional documents; work documents; academic background; teaching centres; directories; norms; distribution lists; etc. The information can be consulted grouped in big thematic blocks: library management and administration; library processes and services; copyright; information technologies; the Internet and library and documental normalization. It also dedicates a section for the documents in which the members of REBIUN develope their experiences about services or electronic collections.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources Training | Published: January 19, 2005
January 08, 2005
Calimera: an excellent information source about libraries
Calimera project is an essential tool to know the cultural and technologic development of the European countries. Heir of other projects such as Pulman, specialized in public libraries, Calimera offers informations about information technologies, public libraries, museums and archives. The nacional reports (Calimera Country Report) have special interest because they give a useful synthesis about the situation in each country.
The report about Spain has been made by Antonio Agustín Gómez Gómez, director of the State Public Library of Huelva and coordinator of the project in Spain. The report Spain: Information on Public Libraries, Local Museums and Archives offers the library, archives and museums Spanish data systems, and also the policies that are being carried out in the Spanish territory, the figures resources and the projects related to electronic information.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: January 08, 2005
April 29, 2004
Latin-American public libraries directory
Latin-American Public Libraries Directory is already available and it can be consulted in Spanish and Portuguese. This recourse is the result of the I Encuentro Iberoamericano de Responsables Nacionales de Bibliotecas Públicas carried out in Cartagena de Indias from 18th to 20th in 1998, and it fits in the Latin-American Programme of Cooperation on Public Libraries. From each library, identification and localization data can be known, as well as informations about its evolution, collections and services. From this server we can also consult figures about the number of libraries, their age, services and funds. The coordination of the project go to the Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, in the Ministerio de Cultura.
Category: Information recourses.April 29th 2004
Latin-American public libraries directory
Latin-American Public Libraries Directory is already available and it can be consulted in Spanish and Portuguese. This recourse is the result of the I Encuentro Iberoamericano de Responsables Nacionales de Bibliotecas Públicas carried out in Cartagena de Indias from 18th to 20th in 1998, and it fits in the Latin-American Programme of Cooperation on Public Libraries. From each library, identification and localization data can be known, as well as informations about its evolution, collections and services. From this server we can also consult figures about the number of libraries, their age, services and funds. The coordination of the project go to the Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, in the Ministerio de Cultura.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: April 29, 2004
January 15, 2004
The librarian “in a mess”
With the name of El bibliotecario desordenado (The librarian in a mess) Javier Leiva Aguilera started in February 2003 one of the first weblogs on libraries in Spain.Few weeks ago, this log book has changed its name and it has its own server called "". News and oppinions put in “Catorze” are about libraries and issues related to the information resources offered in the Internet. This log book is completed with other blog, with the same resposible, "FotoBiD: La información en imágenes", where they publish images about libraries or related to the word of libraries.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: January 15, 2004
December 23, 2003
New distribution list about libraries
Castilla y León Library has included a new distribution list to the e-mail list it had.It is BIBECLE, e-mail list and information of ecclesiastical libraries.”BIBECLE was born with the purpose of being the e-mail list of the Spanish ecclesiastical libraries. Its aim is to facilitate the interchange of information, experiences and oppinions related to ecclesiastical libraries and, in general, to potenciate the communication and coordination among people working directly or indirectly in this field.Appart from this list, in Castilla y León Library are the files of PUBLICAS, Foro de Debate de las Bibliotecas Públicas Iberoamericanas; USUABSYS users of Absys, INFODOC, Library and Information Science mailing list y NORMAWEB, Foro de Debate sobre Normalización para la Recuperación de Información en Internet.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: December 23, 2003
September 11, 2003
Library Weblogs
La Revista Española de Documentación Científica has published in its second number of 2003, from April to July, the article Weblogs: un recurso para los profesionales de la información, which can be consulted online. In this paper they offer different directions from which you can find library blogs, and at the same time they analyse the most interesting al international level and they comment those made in Spain.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: September 11, 2003
August 18, 2003
Library webs
Antonio M. Lorenzo Górriz, Jefe de la Unidad de Documentación General de la Presidencia de la Generalitat Valenciana, has put online the web site Servicios presenciales en las bibliotecas: los webs bibliotecarios, where he gathers different directions, documents and informations about the Internet service in libraries. This site is advisable not only because, appart from giving lists of links, it selects and comments the resources, and includes theoretical explanations about how these services must be offered.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: August 18, 2003