April 29, 2008
Spanish publishing statistics 2007
The National Statistics Institute (INE) has published data for the year 2007 on publishing in Spain. The press release issued by the INE stresses that the total number of copies published was 226.9 million, a decrease of 11.3% over the previous year. Another highlight is that the number of titles published increased by 10.0% in 2007 to reach 72,914 books and pamphlets, which represents the highest figure in recent years. This figure includes mainly first editions (68,439 titles), as well as reissues (4,475 titles). The INE reported that, by category of items, more than a quarter of the titles published belonged to literature, history and literary criticism. The data are surprised that the continued rise of editing textbooks, which grew by 7.0%, by contrast, the publication of books for children decreased by 2.6%. Public institutions are responsible for 13.4% of the titles published. The INE allows online consultation on the detailed statistics of the Spanish edition since 1999.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing Statistics | Published: April 29, 2008
April 24, 2008
Yearbook 2008 Spanish libraries
Yesterday, the day the book was presented at the National Library of the Yearbook of Spain Spanish Libraries 2008, edited by the Foundation Alonso Quijano, also responsible for the magazine My library. The presentation was led by Raul Cremades, president of the foundation, and was attended by Manuel Carrion, Juan Sanchez, who spoke under his heteronym Mateo Gomez, and Conchi Jimenez, coordinator of the yearbook that was presented. Carrion ended his speech with the phrase "Felicitémonos all" and thus should be understood that the work yesterday showed the reader for the first time. This is a publication with a two-pronged. On the one hand it wants to offer the state of affairs in the Spanish libraries, which have commissioned reports to up to 66 different specialists and responsible for library systems. On the other hand, have met and discussed about a thousand of professional interest resources available online. The Yearbook is intended to continuity, but even that was not the case, already represents a milestone in the professional Spanish edition because it has never been collected in a single publication an overview of Spanish libraries, which is described by its own responsibility and institutional managers. In rare reports of pages each is given the activity of the National Library of the projects in which the Bureau is working Coordinating Librarian, the state of affairs of public and school libraries, community by community, as well as reality of university libraries, scientific and specialized Spanish. The information resources that are offered have been carefully selected and commented, so the Yearbook also becomes a work of reference required consultation. The publication opens with the results of a survey of librarians Spaniards, who has been analysed by Juan Sanchez. The edition is 5000 copies, of which only will go on sale thousand, and the rest will be distributed to libraries.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing Information resources | Published: April 24, 2008
April 17, 2008
Yearbook of Children and Youth Literature 2008
The SM Group has presented the Yearbook on the 2008 book for children and teens. This publication includes statistical information, trends and an analysis of the sector during the year 2007. The yearbook also presents data from the literature for children and teens in Catalan, Basque and galician, as well as their presence in several Latin American countries. The full text of the Yearbook can be downloaded from the Web SM. In the press release by which it has disseminated the publication of the yearbook for 2008 provides some data as outstanding children's literature and youth continues gaining presence in the publishing industry Spanish, with nearly 60 million copies and rising billing 14'8%. It stresses that the fantasy genre is still booming thanks to the publication of new titles and the closure of trilogies of success. According to this source, 64'2% of those under 14 read by choice.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing Publications and documents | Published: April 17, 2008
February 14, 2008
Habits readers and buying books of the Spanish in 2007
Last week the Federation of Unions of Editors of Spain issued each year as a barometer of habits of reading and buying books in Spain, from 2007. The main novelty this time is the expansion of the sample study to the age group between 10 and 13 years with the aim of extracting information about the children.
While data and purchasing habits of book readers seem to improve with respect last year only comes to correct the decline in the results of 2006. The percentage of people reading (over 14 years) is thus a 56.9% could be regarded frequent readers to 41% of Spaniards. In analyzing the data strip infant improve considerably: 65.5% are frequent readers and 19% casual. As far as buying books deals, a 56.2% of the population said they had bought a book, including text.
The profile of the reader remains related variables such as sex, age, level of education, housing and occupancy levels. Thus, the reader often tends to be female, under 44 years, with secondary or university education, living in a big city (more than one million) and occupied or student, while the reader does not usually men, more than 55 years, with primary education, housewives or retired and live in nuclei fewer than 50,000 inhabitants.
Other aspects are analyzed assistance to libraries, the provision of books in the home, leisure habits and the use of the Internet. The latter point seems to have a close relationship between reading and the Internet, as there are more readers than readers not among Internet users: if 50.8% of the population state to use the Internet when we ceñimos to readers the figure increases by more of 14 percentage points.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing | Published: February 14, 2008
June 08, 2006
Bookshop map
In the seventh of June, in the Feria Internacional del Libro de Madrid, (International book fair in Madrid), has been showed the Mapa de Librerías 2005, (2005 Bookshop Map), developed by the Confederación Española de Gremios y Asociaciones de Libreros (CEGAL), (Spanish Confederation of Trades and Associations of booksellers), with the help from the Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura, (General Departament of Books, Archives and Libraries of the Culture Department). It is an updating of the map of spanish bookshops for 1999. The aims of the study are the analysis of the economic evolution of the sector and the updating of the bookshops census. They are given guidelines about management and bussiness strategy. The support for the spanish book sector has been developed since 1998 inside the Observatorio de la Librería, (Bookshops Observatory), aimed at the improvement and the innovation of the books process.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing | Published: June 08, 2006
March 27, 2006
Children’s and young people books
The publishing house SM has published the Anuario sobre el libro infantil y juvenil, 2006, (Yearbook about children's and young books), with all the interesting data about the evolution of the literature for children and young people (LIJ) in Spain. It includes the most important data, as statistics about children’s and young people books, analysis of the features and trends, the tratement of LIJ in the press, the social life of LIJ, etc. In a similar way the magazine Delibros publishes, in its 196 issue for this month, the item "La Literatura Infantil y Juvenil en la Sociedad de la Información" (Children’s and young literarure in the Information Society). The Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE)has just published Libros infantiles y juveniles editados en españa en el periodo 1999-2005, (Books for children and young people publishe in Spain in the period 1999-2005). It is a catalogue of current tittles about children’s and young people literature in Spain, in all its official languages. In that publication, which is online in the website of FGEE, it is ofered the data for finding a book and a publishin house, and there is a brief summary of each one.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing | Published: March 27, 2006
October 17, 2005
International Book Fair (Liber)
From 12 to 15 in October, it was celebrated the International Book Fair (Liber) in Madrid. It was promoted by La Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE). 20 countries have been represented, with more than 700 exhibitors. There are both in the event, the commercial and the professional part, as well as round table confereces, seminars, presentation of books, researches, and prizes...
The librarian field has had a leading role through several round tables: “Experiences of collaboration between public libraries and acholar libraries”, organized by la Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura, “The measurement of the librarian output: standards and influences in the libraries field”, organized by FESABID (Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía y Documentación), and “Bibliographic Herritage: What are we storing to?, organized by la Subdirección General de Bibliotecas de la Comunidad de Madrid.
In addition, the new Children’s and Youthful’s Book Fair, that will be celebrated next year in León, was presented: “Reading León 2006”, sponsored by El Salón del Libro de Barcelona, that will be holded from 8 to 13 in Barcelona in November, and the “Report about books domestic trade in Spain 2004”, sponsored by FGEE. About the prizes, we have to congratulate the Centro Provincial Coordinador de bibliotecas de Zamora, because of its movile libraries services, that received the prize to the best initiative in reading promotion in libraries. They were also given the prizes in reading promotion in mass media, that went to La Tribuna de Albacete; to the programme Estravagario, didrected and hosted by Javier Rioyo in the channel 2 of Spanish TV.
Next occasion Liber will be celebrated in Madrid, at the same time that the Congreso Iberoamericano de editores.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing | Published: October 17, 2005