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September 23, 2008

Public libraries in Spain. Dynamics 2001-2005

On Monday, Sept. 22 was presented in the press room of the Ministry of Culture's book 'The public libraries in Spain. 2001-2005 Dynamics' product of collaboration between the German Sanchez Ruipérez Foundation and the Ministry of Culture. The event was chaired by Culture Minister Cesar Antonio Molina, accompanied by the president of CEDAR Juan Moya and the director general of the Foundation Germán Sánchez Ruipérez Antonio Basanta, who summarized the contents of the play in an exhibition.
This study examines the reality librarian in Spain in the first half of the twenty-first century, has an electronic version available on the web 'bibliotecaspublicas.info' Supplementing the printed version and includes annexes dealing with the librarian Spanish legislation, services central and regional governments.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

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