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August 22, 2008
74 World Library and Information Congress
Between 10 and August 14 was held in Quebec (Canada) 74th General Conference and Council of IFLA. The World Congress of library and information professionals meets annually around the world who come together to discuss the agenda and the focus of IFLA, as well as to analyze the situation of libraries in the world, through working groups and meetings of communications. On this occasion, moved to Quebec thirty Spaniards, many of whom are part of different sections and governing bodies of IFLA, the most important international organization librarian. The IFLA Council approved the reform of its statutes, as well as the various programmes of action of its eight divisions, working in more than half a hundred groups. As usual, the record of this Congress are openly available via Web of days, in many cases also translated into Spanish. The next editions will be held in Milan in 2009 and 2010 in Brisbane. It was also adopted in Quebec, that the 2011 congress takes place in Puerto Rico, so that IFLA will jump to Hispanic accent, something that only happened in Barcelona in 1993 and in Buenos Aires in 2004.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Published: August 22, 2008
Category: Conferences
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