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June 17, 2008
ThinkEPI Yearbook 2008
The ThinkEPI Group, consisting of several professional information science in all its areas, published in April the second edition of the Yearbook ThinkEPI, which portrays the profession during the past year 2007. In this release of nearly three hundred pages are collected the notes disclosed by the Group during that year states on the issue in different subjects of today through his blog and mailing list IWETEL, as well as the discussions in line with them. Also contains a selection of news coming out of IWETEL and DocuMenea on the most important events of the past year in this area. It closes the document with an article by Emilio Delgado Lopez Cozar and Mercedes de la Moneda Corrochano in which the figures are broken down by the profession during that year: statistics library and publishing, library administration bodies, professional groups and conferences, congresses and meetings.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Published: June 17, 2008
Category: Monographs
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