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June 28, 2008
11 Spanish Conference on Documentation
The Spanish XI Conference Documentation, to be held in Zaragoza between 20 and May 22, 2009, are already under way. The organization of Fesabid 2009 has disseminated the information paper which describes the thematic lines of communications and conference calls and proposals for carrying out professional activities. The overarching theme of the conference is "interinformation" which is defined this way: "Participation, integration, effectiveness, interaction, cooperation, accessibility, intermediation, openness, distribution, are concepts that perfectly describes the current stage of our activity, both from a technological point of view from any perspective as a professional. People are intertwined and resources to provide better information services. interinformation is the term he wants to synthesize all of this". The web Fesabid detailing the thematic lines, as well as different types of actions for which it requires collective collaboration of: communications, professional experiences, seminars and forums sectoral analysis. In addition, the conference will have presentations, expert panels and workshops.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Published: June 28, 2008
Category: Conferences
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