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May 01, 2008

Information and Documentation Research Meeting

The Universidad de Salamanca will host the Third Meeting of Ibero Lecturers and Researchers in reports and documents, which will take place between 5 and May 7, 2008 and which has been organized by the Regional Group of Ibero EDIBCIC, the association that brings together to teachers and researchers of Librarianship and Documentation of Latin America. In this issue the central slogan is "Training, Research and Labor Market in reports in Spain and Portugal" which takes place in a comprehensive program that includes six papers and more than half a hundred communications. In addition to Spain and Portugal, the speakers came from several Latin American countries. Among the topics to be addressed in different interventions highlights the degree of adaptation to current European Higher Education Area. EDIBCIC was born in 1996 and holds regular meetings to discuss research and education in information and documentation. The next congress will be held in Mexico City in November 2008.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

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