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April 18, 2008
Social web for information professionals
The initiative SEDIC to create a community of practice on social web of information for professionals has resulted in a successful call. The project part of the goal of bringing professional speaking of archives, libraries and documentation centres to participate in a proposal for shared learning. The response has been overwhelming: nearly 1,500 registered users. Through the blog community and for eight and a half weeks will be offering content on Web social, beginning with a theoretical approach and continuing with the various technologies and tools of the social web, with special attention to services more useful in the information units. The program includes a theoretical context, a publication on blogs, syndication news, wikis, desktop applications, file sharing, social networks and many other technologies on the web 2.0. Along with the blog community has been created wiki Library and + 2.0, which provides resources on social Web more useful for information professionals. The apprenticeship system part of the messages that will be added daily to the platform of the community. Registered members will exchange their views, suggestions and experience through the comments. Both the blog and wiki are open, so that the community will generate information resources that will be useful to anyone interested. This is a collaborative learning initiative that builds on the technology of participation to share the knowledge of information professionals of this broad community.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Published: April 18, 2008
Category: Social web
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