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April 07, 2008

Resources in the school library

The Ministry of Education and Science has published the book The articulation of resources in the operation of the school library. It belongs to the collection Classrooms summer, which publishes the papers presented at various summer courses whose organization participates in the MEC. The primary objective of this publication is to analyze the educational use of the school library, through its documentaries and educational resources. Among the authors are prominent professionals in the school libraries, such as Joseph Garcia Guerrero, Gloria Durban Rosa Piquín or Guillermo Castán. Jose Guerrero reflects on the library as a resource in the educational project. Elias Moreno explains the importance of human resources. Antonio Merchán focuses its text to the library as an element of support skills in reading and writing. The article by Gloria Durban is oriented education documentary. In a nearby line is the paper Piquín Rosa, who explains what projects are integrated documentaries. Jose Manuel Luque provides abundant examples of the types of information that school libraries must provide in the webs of their schools. Guillermo Castán addresses the issue of social inclusion and the integrating function of the library. The library as a meeting place has been chosen by Alfonso Pomet, who develops actions to incorporate the community to the library and the school library to the curriculum. It is a collective work that will be very useful to professionals in the libraries of schools. You can see a review on the blog Alfinred.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

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