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March 05, 2008

Public libraries and cultural management

The Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports of the Murcia region has published the monograph The library, the area of culture and participation, which has been coordinated by Jose Antonio Gomez Hernandez and Pedro Quílez Simon. The book contains the speeches of the conference, on the same subject, ANABAD organized in Murcia in October 2007. The chapters are grouped into two major blocs, a theoretical guidance, which contextualizan cultural actions for which public libraries can be an actor, and a second which reflects experiences and models of cultural management library. The monograph opens Isabel White, director of the Municipal Service Library of A Coruna, who develops the different aspects of the planning of cultural management from the public library. Margarita Perez Pulido and Jose Luis Herrera Morilla, professors at the University of Extremadura, offered a chapter on marketing and Pedro Quílez, developer cultural Regional Library Murcia, lectures on the formation of cultural manager at public libraries. Complete Part chapter on new ways to promote reading, headed by Jose Maria Barandiarán. In terms of experience and practical models have been included texts on the Camas Municipal Public Library (Seville) and the Library Civican Pamplona. The paper includes a chapter on social inclusion and cultural experiences as well as on other marketing and extension.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

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