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January 27, 2008

Professional weblogs Spanish

Professional associations are aware of the usefulness of blogs as a system of information and means of communication with its members. Several groups librarians who have launched blogs to publish information, initiate discussions or spread calls. The simplicity of the system for publishing weblogs, along with the potential for participation, through comments, have contributed to the logs are the tools chosen by various associations Spanish as a resource for information. Thus, the blog Sedic has become since its inception in April 2006 in a landmark among professional blogs in Spanish. It has a broad and active drafting team, besides having its partners Theme of the month. Another partnership that has invested strongly format blog has been ASNABI, whose blog, in operation since March 2007, is an excellent source of information on libraries in Navarre. ANABAD has several blog, maintained by their various associations federated. So, the blog-Anabad Galicia, available since July 2006, news reports profesiales, with special attention to their autonomous region. Similarly, the blog Anabad-Aragon, which was established in October 2007, is the communication channel of this association in the region of Aragon. In late 2007, in the month of December, was born Garabuya, log APEI, the blog through which disseminated information concerning archives, libraries and documentation, with special emphasis on those related to Asturias. The last professional blog created in January 2008, has been the Index, the association of professionals from the region of Murcia, in the community which will focus mainly published information.

---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.

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