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January 30, 2008
Football and promotion of reading
Van Nistelrooy said that 'The book, the best clocking', Raul Lopez believes that 'Reading is an exciting sport', 'If you read, nobody will end up a goal,' says Iker Casillas. Real Madrid began in January 2008 program Causes and fair, after its campaign of support for immigrants, the reading will be the objective of February, then continue the protection of the environment and other topics of social concern. The month of Real Madrid for the promotion of children's reading has been endorsed by the Ministry of Culture and the Community of Madrid, with whom the sports institution has signed separate agreements. Also have joined the convention other organisations involved in the sport and editing, as well as the sports daily As, which will lend its support to this campaign, which is based on the dissemination of messages through posters, stickers and advertisements in various media communication. The messages will be disseminated, together with program information can be found in the pages of the campaign Fair Grounds and in the press release published on its website.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: January 30, 2008
January 29, 2008
Improving Aragonese school libraries
The government of Aragon has deep inroads into the quality of the libraries of schools of this community college is not for the current 2007/2008 course. In the Official Gazette of Aragon of January 28, 2008 has solved the call for improvements in public schools. The investment will be 202,000 euros, according echoes the Journal of Aragon. The aid can be found on Educaragón and range between 700 and 3000 euros. The main purpose of this aid is to increase the quality of the sites and services of school libraries Aragonese, contributing to the plans of provincial and school libraries promote reading and writing of Huesca, Teruel and Zaragoza in the current school year.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: January 29, 2008
January 27, 2008
Professional weblogs Spanish
Professional associations are aware of the usefulness of blogs as a system of information and means of communication with its members. Several groups librarians who have launched blogs to publish information, initiate discussions or spread calls. The simplicity of the system for publishing weblogs, along with the potential for participation, through comments, have contributed to the logs are the tools chosen by various associations Spanish as a resource for information. Thus, the blog Sedic has become since its inception in April 2006 in a landmark among professional blogs in Spanish. It has a broad and active drafting team, besides having its partners Theme of the month. Another partnership that has invested strongly format blog has been ASNABI, whose blog, in operation since March 2007, is an excellent source of information on libraries in Navarre. ANABAD has several blog, maintained by their various associations federated. So, the blog-Anabad Galicia, available since July 2006, news reports profesiales, with special attention to their autonomous region. Similarly, the blog Anabad-Aragon, which was established in October 2007, is the communication channel of this association in the region of Aragon. In late 2007, in the month of December, was born Garabuya, log APEI, the blog through which disseminated information concerning archives, libraries and documentation, with special emphasis on those related to Asturias. The last professional blog created in January 2008, has been the Index, the association of professionals from the region of Murcia, in the community which will focus mainly published information.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals | Published: January 27, 2008
January 23, 2008
Red Cross rewards program 'I read for you'
The Public Library of Peñaranda Bracamonte has been honored recently by Red Cross with the award for Solidarity in the category of Older Persons. These awards are held annually and have recognized the important work being done with the FGSR seniors through the program 'I read for you' that has developed the Public Library of Peñaranda Bracamonte since 2005. This program brings reading to people who can not read by themselves for physical or mental reasons. It has the participation of a group of sixteen volunteers to read weekly to a total of fifty-one people in the Senior Residence, homes and the Association of Parents of the Handicapped District Peñaranda (ACOPEDIS). In addition to the weekly visits are made parallel activities as meetings with author or storytelling sessions.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: January 23, 2008
January 08, 2008
The best books of 2007
As each end of the year, various institutions and publications have released their list of most important books of the year. Thus, the Centre International Book Children and Youth has published its guide What +2007, where a selection age of the titles most original, creative, amusing or exceptional quality. The guide is supplemented by section Ideal Gift, which contains albums and books most impressive this year, according to the center's staff that makes the selection. Along with this, you can find other guides reading, conducted in the following years. Also, different cultural magazines have relied on the opinion of his colleagues to establish what had been the best texts of the year. Magazine Cultural be, as usual, has published their relationship, distinguishing between books of fiction and nonfiction, in addition to other selections, as classical music. The works best value in terms of fiction books have been Crematorio (Anagrama), Rafael Chirbes; The heart ice cream (Tusquets), Almudena Grandes and White's father (Anagrama) of Belen Gopegui. As to the books of non-fiction, the list is headed by forgetting the reason (Debate), Juan Jose Sebreli, followed by The sleep of reason indomitable (topics today), Ricardo Garcia Jail, and Goodbye Catalonia (Espasa), Albert Boadella. The supplement Babelia has also chosen his best ten books of the year, whose first three posts are Life and destination (Gutenberg Galaxy), Vasili Grossman; Your Face Tomorrow 3. Venom and shade and goodbye (Alfaguara), Javier Marias, and The benevolent (RBA), Jonathan Littell.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections | Published: January 08, 2008
January 02, 2008
New law library
The year 2008 has begun with developments in the regulatory state librarian, as the same day January 1 were published in the BOE three laws that come to develop the Law 10/2007 of 22 June, the reading of the book and libraries. First, it has issued Royal Decree 1572/2007 of 30 November, which regulates the coordinating bodies of the libraries of the General Administration of the State and its government agencies. This decree creates and regulates the General Commission for the Coordination of Libraries of the State General Administration and the regulation of the ministerial committees to coordinate libraries, which are aimed at the coordination of the state-owned libraries in cooperation with the autonomous communities . It was also publishes the Royal Decree 1573/2007 of 30 November, which adopted the Regulations of the Board of Library Cooperation, normalizing its composition, functions, organization and operation. This inter-collegiate body will be responsible for channeling the library cooperation between public administrations. Finally, it has approved the Royal Decree 1574/2007 of 30 November, which regulates the Observatory of Reading and Book, which has the task of analysing the books, reading and libraries. In this center are represented governmental agencies working on issues related to books, reading and libraries, as well as members of professional associations, foundations and library networks, which include a FESABID and REBIUN.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Law | Published: January 02, 2008