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December 29, 2007
Firmin, rather than a novel about reading
The novel Firmin: Adventures Of A Metropolitan Lowlife, which published Seix Barral in October 2007, is causing a great small earthquake in our country. Firmin is the first piece of American Sam Savage, which, with just over a year in the international market, is becoming a reference book, especially for those who already enjoy reading. A work of those who love to read, recommend, gift. The argument can be summed up in one sentence: the life of a rat born in a bookstore and is fed with books and reading. But just as well describe this book would be a mistake, since Firmin is the novel where a character who is born is called to cling to the best positions on the lists of the most borrowed from the library, the librarians who devoted exhibitors and kind comments reading guides, who blogs recommendations literary devoted his best phrases, which workshops reading exprimirán without modesty. The original edition has already been recognized by the profession as the RUSSIAN Section reference librarians of the ALA, has been included within the books of fiction highlights of 2007. Most striking of the future Firmin phenomenon is the risky bet he has done Seix Barral, representing a milestone in the history of the Spanish edition. Firmin has fallen in love so to editors Spaniards who have launched an original and well-raised promotional campaign, in addition to acquiring worldwide rights to the work, as highlighted by the daily El Pais in its issue of December 27, 2007. The publisher knows that Spain has found a novel that defends itself, which, in addition to the economic efforts made, is conducting a clever promotion for Firmin, passing through a video on YouTube, a special edition with postcards or a pin that was a gift with the purchase of a copy, which reproduces the illustration on the cover and that carried proudly fans Firmin. In addition, Seix Barral has been especially careful editing, publishing in the library collection Formentor, with a translation as neat as his character and some illustrations that give the final shape to the protagonist without diminishing drawings of the original edition. Firmin rat is a reader who devours relentlessly all works in the bookstore will happen in much of his life, from the title of criminology until philosophy or literature more demands more educated, but it is also a lover of good jazz , cinema in general-including porn-and the words, which serve as the title for the feelings (and people). Savage has turned Scollay Square in a new literary landscape and has birthed a creature of humanity that literary will join the roster of characters that made their fantasize Firmin. Firmin, imminent top librarian.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections Reading | Published: December 29, 2007
December 19, 2007
Dictionary of authors of children's literature
The Foundation Germán Sánchez Ruipérez has put on line Dictionary Authors of Children and Youth Literature, which collects information from more than 700 writers and illustrators whose work, in whole or in part, is aimed at children and youth. The scope of the repertoire is national and includes profiles of authors born or resident in Spain. In each author is a portfolio that contains biographical information and professional, a list of awards and links to web pages, but also provides an account of the author's works available in the catalogues of the Centre International Book Children and Youth. The code has been developed with the collaboration itself of the authors who appear in the same, with the potential to upgrade and include data, as it will provide updates periódia way. Thus, writers and illustrators who wish to send new cards or modify data already published profiles have at their disposal a form. There is also a suggestion box for those wishing to post comments.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: December 19, 2007
December 17, 2007
Users of public libraries in Cadiz
Sanlucar de Barrameda has hosted Days Municipal Library Community Accessibility and that the Foundation has organized Municipal Culture of the Provincial Council of Cadiz. The encounter took place between 13 and 15 December 2007 and was designed to offer professional municipal libraries. The program included presentations by experts from different centers librarians and universities. Among the experiences that were present were responsible for networks of public libraries as of Two Sisters, Jérez de la Frontera or San Roque. The days were presented library policies of the Board of Andalusia and Cooperation Plan with the Municipal Libraries and encouraging reading of the Provincial Council of Cadiz. Within this professional forum was presented the study profiles library users in the province of Cadiz, made from a questionnaire completed by 920 library users gaditanos 30 municipalities. The study is part of the scholarships Public Culture. Some of the data obtained in this study are that 59.33% of users are in the age group of between 16 and 25 years. At a rate of 43.8% of users surveyed went daily to the public library, being 44.7% also user university libraries. The service is the most used room, which has been selected by 86% of users, followed by access to the Internet, a 32.8% reading newspapers, a 28.2% and the loan , with a 26.3%. The survey also provides data collection and use of user satisfaction in relation to the localization of public libraries, their schedules, its funds, its staff or spatial conditions and equipment. For more information on this survey may contact the Library Services of the Provincial Council of Cadiz.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Public libraries | Published: December 17, 2007
December 13, 2007
Women in libraries
12 The number of Entrellat, which publishes the newsletter Grup de Biblioteques Catalan Associades to UNESCO is devoted entirely to women's relationship with the libraries. The group has worked for since 2007 in developing its libraries initiatives for equality, many of which are discussed in this publication. As part provides an article by former MP M. Dolors Renau, bearing the title of Libraries for them, too. A review experiences in the book clubs Badalona, activities in Parets del Vallès, Gavà, Ruby, or Peixauet Binissalem, and the exhibition organized in Cornellà. It offers a selection of works in Catalan literature in Spanish from those contributing ideas on women, feminism and gender equality. This library network was created in 1995 and is composed of some thirty Catalan public libraries, which are working together, following the goals of UNAL, the group of libraries around the world associated with UNESCO.
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Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: December 13, 2007
December 10, 2007
Social networks and libraries
A social network is one web service, in the framework of the so-called social or Web site 2.0, allows individuals to build a profile public or semi-public within an online platform through which you can communicate in different ways . This platform is also capable of displaying relationships with other users in the form of a graph. The same term is used in reference to those sites on the web social also incorporate the ability to create networks of contacts, although this is not their main objective, as Flickr, del.icio.us or YouTube.
There are two types of social networks depending on the object of their contacts: a personal or professional. Social networks, essentially personal, but its use can be quite varied, be MySpace, Orkut, Facebook, Friendster or Hi5, to name some of the most popular. Networks of a professional nature are LinkedIn, Xing and neuron, the latter owned by Xing.
Although its use in our country is not yet as popular as in other countries (Alexa ranking first in Spanish, MySpace, ranked number 16, followed by 18 in the Facebook, and Hi5 in 45), shows a some presence of professionals that employ more or less active.
Its use by librarians can therefore be twofold: librarians can establish contacts with colleagues and create groups through networks or otherwise, and since the library is possible to use as a platform through which to maintain contact with users. One example libraries are some Americans who, because of the great popularity of MySpace among adolescents in his country, decided to approach them by creating your own profile, as the Hennepin County Library and others.
The many possibilities: increased visibility, as the library has a space in which to show; increases communication in both directions, thereby giving users the ability to communicate with us; exchange of information in various formats: images, video , text (it is possible the creation of blogs), and many others.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Social web | Published: December 10, 2007
December 02, 2007
Forum professionals in Seville
On November 3 and December 1, 2007 took place the III Forum Specialist Information and Documentation of Andalusia, conferences, on an annual basis, the Association organizes Andaluza de Documentalistas (AAD). This year the common theme was The Social Web: new challenges and strategies in the information society, becoming the first professional meeting devoted entirely to the social and Web applications in the information centres. The framework paper was presented by Jose Antonio Merlo Vega, a professor at the USAL and vice president of APEI, who analyzed the characteristics of this new Internet, their bases and their applications. The web social libraries was the subject of the paper Dìdac Margaix, librarian at the UPV, who gave a detailed lecture on concepts Library 2.0, with abundant examples of services and practices. One of the panels was dedicated to blogs and their role in the professional field. This table was coordinated by Jorge Serrano, a pioneer in the blogosphere specializes in information and Spain participated in the same authors of some of the key logger on libraries and information: Alvaro Cabezas (Documentation, Library and Information), Miguel Calvillo (Nosololibros) , Nieves Gonzalez (Bibliotecarios_2.0, among others) and Catuxa Seoane (Deakialli). The officers returned to record the excitement surrounding weblogs in the profession, as a tool for communication and information. Interventions of participants and the public showed the time of maturity and consolidation in which the logs are already professional Spanish. Digital libraries were also the subject of attention being debated at this forum. Javier Alvarez gave a lecture in which he studied the content and social orientation of various electronic services Andalusians, particularly the Virtual Library of Andalusia, one of the oldest of its kind in Spain. In the last roundtable discussion on digital heritage conservation from eCollections, being present makers of digital libraries as Miguel de Cervantes Virtual Library or Ilíberis Project at the University of Grenada. The table also participated Antonio Gomez, the BPE Huelva, who briefed the attendees of the project activity and Calimera orientation citizen of the site of the Provincial Library of Huelva, one of the few Spanish library entry own in Wikipedia. The presentations of this Forum III will be available on the website of the FMA and summaries of the speeches are now available in some of the blogs listed in this note.
---> Automatically translated text by Google Translate. Version without links. See the original post in Spanish in Biblioblog.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Professionals | Published: December 02, 2007