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December 15, 2006

III Public Libraries National Meeting

The Spanish Department of Culture, through its Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas (Department of Books, Archives and Libraries), in collaboration with the Autonomous Regions, Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias (Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Counties) and several foundations and professional associations, has organized the III Public Libraries National Meeting, that has been held in Murcia on November the 29th and 30th and December the 1st, with the slogan “the public Library, a citizen’s space”. The programme has been organized in three working sessions: “Public library, a sphere of learning”, “Public library, new spheres, emerging services”, and “Public library and the digital environment” where different papers, round table conferences, and experiences, both national and international, have been presented. Current themes on public libraries like information literacy, innovative architecture, the emerging services or the digital age have been discussed. Conclusions can be downloaded from the Department of Culture web site Travesía.

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