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November 02, 2006

School libraries directory

The Germán Sámchez Ruípérez Foundation has put online the Directorio de Bibliotecas Escolares, (School Libraries Directory). It makes it easier to get information about libraries in educational institutions (not in colleges) in the Spanish Autonomous Regions. It is intended to be a tool for the identification and the easy location of the Spanish school libraries which are into operation in the several educational levels, moreover, it will be a good practices collection. The inclusion of libraries is restrained by some minimum requirements, both, quantitative and qualitative. The database has been started with fifty school libraries records, which have been chosen for the quality of their projects, their holdings and their facilities. The number will grow up with new libraries which have projects, whose data can be sent by the form available online. The entries of the directory have differnt informations about aech registered library: identification and location data, contact, facilities and services. Meoreover, it includes the project developed by each library and a gallery of pictures.

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