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October 23, 2006
Library days
The Internacional Association of School Librarianship (IASL), held last October 23 the School Library Day, that had been in October other times, but in diferent days. In the web they are the acts that have been held in the diferent countries under the slogan Reading, Knowing, Doing. In October 24, is also held in Spain, the Library Day, and so man libraries are organizing acts in order to commemorate it. Some examples of this are: the campaign La biblioteca más allá de la biblioteca, (libraries further away libraries), held by Reading Extremadura, the program from the Public Library of Cuenca, the Week of the Library in the Library of Andalucía, or the activities of the Public Netork of Municipal Libraries in Albacete, etc. The same day is also commemorated for the Asociación del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (Children’s and Junior’s Books Association), with several activities, posters and an opening speech for the youngest readers.
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