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October 31, 2006
First National Conference about School Libraries
The Consejería de Educación y Ciencia de la Junta de Castilla y León, (Culture and Education Department), The Fundación Universidades de Castilla y León, (Colleges Foundation), and the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, have organized the I National Conference about School Libraries, that has been held in Salamanca from 18 to 20 in October. National and international experts have taken part in it. In the communications, and in the round tables, they talked about the current situatuon of school libraries and about their integration in the educational and curriculum project of the centers. There were showed teaching and learning experieces, and there was debated the problem about the school libraries model. Among the conclusions, it is remarkabe the need for the adaptation to the new Ley Orgánica de Educación, (Education Organic Law), in wich it is demanded to public administration the implententation of school libraries in all the educational centers; the implication of all the school community in the project, and the importance of the school libraries in the pedagogic and didactic project in the center, as well as the reading promotion.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: October 31, 2006
October 23, 2006
Library days
The Internacional Association of School Librarianship (IASL), held last October 23 the School Library Day, that had been in October other times, but in diferent days. In the web they are the acts that have been held in the diferent countries under the slogan Reading, Knowing, Doing. In October 24, is also held in Spain, the Library Day, and so man libraries are organizing acts in order to commemorate it. Some examples of this are: the campaign La biblioteca más allá de la biblioteca, (libraries further away libraries), held by Reading Extremadura, the program from the Public Library of Cuenca, the Week of the Library in the Library of Andalucía, or the activities of the Public Netork of Municipal Libraries in Albacete, etc. The same day is also commemorated for the Asociación del Libro Infantil y Juvenil (Children’s and Junior’s Books Association), with several activities, posters and an opening speech for the youngest readers.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: October 23, 2006
October 16, 2006
Libraries into virtual worlds
It seems as if the “avatars” (the name with they are known, the inhabitants of a virtual world) also needs libraries, and that’s why in Second Life (the 3D virtual world that has been constructed since 2003 by its inhabitants) it has been created a library. Lori Bell is behind the project, presented in april. She runs the innovation area in the Alliance Library System, and her main aim is to promote both, real and online libraries services for those adults that are not users of a library in any other way. A group of “avatars”, controled by voluntary librarians are working in the new library and they talk about very similar services to those in the real world. they are also working in the incorporation of tools from the known Biblioteca 2.0.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Internet | Published: October 16, 2006
October 10, 2006
Journal about Asturian Libraries
The government of the Principado de Asturias, started publishing the journal Biblioasturias in 2006. It is a three monthly journal that pretends to be a tool for the spreading of public libraries activities in Asturias. The 15,000 printed issues are distributed among the users of Asturian libraries, as in this journal they are combined professional news and reading suggestions. Up to now, there are three issues, wich maintain a publishig common thinking :breaking news about culture and reading in Asturias, articles about the librarian reality in Asturias, features about public libraries, interviews to personalities from the cultural world, suggestions for users and librarians, and the top read (for adults and children), watched and listened, done from the common system of automated management of loans.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: October 10, 2006
October 06, 2006
Reading clubs
With the new year, public libraries takes up their activities again and among them, they are the reading clubs, as a basic element for reading promotion and for public participation in librarian life. Fortunately, nowadays there are alot and very varied reading clubs, both in subjects and in the profile of their participants. Guadalajara public library, in Castilla la Mancha, has been pioneering in reading clubs, and the one in the regional service of lending to reading clubs, wich lends lots of books, not only for libraries in the region, but for the exchange of experiences, support and advice between libraries and reading clubs. The thriller reading Club, in the library the Bóbila, in Hospitalet, that has been working since January 2000; The Network of Barcelona Public Libraries, wich has just started eight new reading clubs, beeing 50 in 28 libraries; the Network of Navarra Public Libraries, with 15 libraries with reading clubs, wich has a catalog of bibliographical lots for the lending and exchange among the libraries in the network; the Municipal Library in Peñaranda de Bracamonte, with reading clubs that are for children youth, and adult and wich has a platform for the exchange of views. That initiative is opening up new horizons, and proposals are coming, as the Quijote reading Club through the Internet, a Pep Bruno experience in which members of four reading clubs took part between 2004 and 2005. It gathers the materials used in debates and arguments; or Libroadictos (book-adicts), website aimed to debate about the reading of several books, that changes with the time.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: October 06, 2006