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September 26, 2006

Information Professional profile

Information and Documentation professionals from the Basques Country, called for the Grupo de Trabajo del Perfil Profesional (working group of the professional profile), of ALDEE, have got together in September 21st,2006 in the conference “The profession in archives, libraries and information centres, in wich they were debated the actions that the Basque infromation workers should do in order to develope the prefession in that autonomous region. The responsible for the opening communication was Jesús Gómez, author of several texts about librarianship. He discoursed upon the current professional profile. The closing lecture was in charge of José Antonio Merlo Vega, who talked about the professionals abilities; he also ofered the state of the matter of the profession in Spain, and he took a decalogue about the features that establish a good professional.

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