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September 01, 2006

Comics in public libraries

Public libraries are paying more attention to their comic collections, as it is an attractive, contemporary, and very required holding by users. Some libraries, as the Biblioteca Regional of Murcia, have created their comicteca, as an specific part; it is also in the Biblioteca Municipal of Peñaranda de Bracamonte (Salamanca), where it has been edited a complete reading guide, called La fiesta dibujada, (the drawn party), or the Biblioteca Tecla Sala, from the City Council of Hospitalet (Barcelona), which publishes the bulletin Còmic Tecla, which is a referent for professionals and fans of this genre. The Municipal libraries in La Coruña, have put on line the blog Falamos de Cómics, (talking about comics), where the novelties are reviewed. There are another libraries interested in comics and related documents, that can be found in the website @bysnet, that in the section Comics and libraries are gathering articles about themes, style, trends, etc. The Colegi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes in Catalunya has created the the working group Biblioteca i Còmics, in order to promote wath libraries and users call ninth art.

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