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July 27, 2006
Spanish presence in the IFLA
The number 91 of Correo Bibliotecario, published by the Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria(General Section of Librarian Coordination), of the Ministerio de Cultura (Culture Department) It is about the IFLA annual meeting, which will be held in Seoul this year. In that issue, they are given data about spanish people who take part in diferent sections and committees in the IFLA. Moreover, it contains articles written by noteworthy Spanish professionals, with involvement in the IFLA, as Pedro Hípola, Jerónimo Martínez, Cristobal Posadas, Ramón Abad and Assumpta Bailac. As on previous issues, the most prestigious professinal journal, inludes bibliographic news sections, training announcements, and official publications.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: July 27, 2006
July 20, 2006
Libraries Conferences
During the next months, they will be held two specially important conferences for Spanish Public Libraries. In 18, 19 , and 20 of October it will be held in Salamanca the I Congreso Nacional de Bibliotecas Escolares (I National Conference on School Libraries), convened by the Junta de Castilla y León and the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. Numerous Spanish professionals and politicians will take part in it. The program includes subjects as “School libraries inside the educational System”, Institutional programs for school libraries” and “Collaboration frameworks : School libraries networks”. On the other hand, in 29 and 30 of March it will be held in Murcia, the III Congreso nacional de Bibliotecas Públicas, (III National Conference of Public Libraries), organized by the Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas, through the Subdirección General de Coordiación Bibliotecaria, in collaboration with the Autonomous Regions, the Federación Española de Municipios y Provicias (FEMP), foundations and professional associations. The content have been arranged in three thematic areas: Public Libraries, sphere of learning”, “Public Library: new places and emerging services” and “Public Libraries and digital settings”.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: July 20, 2006
July 11, 2006
Libraries and Education
In June 19, it was hold in the National Library Assembly Room, with the title of “Bibliotecas y Educación: una relacion a debate", (Libraries and education: focus of debate), a professional conference held by the National Library, the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, and the Sociedad Española de Documentación e Información Científica (SEDIC). In that conference, in which there were numerous professionals in libraries and education, it was debated the spreading of the information literacy, as well as its promotion in libraries. One of the aims of the conferences was to open the debate about the presence of libraries in the education and the professional profile that librarians working in educational centers should have. Moreover, it was meant to announce the current situation of school libraries, the pending reforms, and the future guidelines. The papers and the texts for the round-tables are accessible on the Sedic website.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: School libraries | Published: July 11, 2006
July 04, 2006
Project Gutenberg
The Gutenberg Project and the World eBook Library will allow free access to the Intranet, and for a month -from 4th July to 4th August- 300,000 books, most of them from the Electronic Books Worldwide Library, will have a service for subscription. The initiative is inside the World eBook Fair, owing to the commemoration of the 35th anniversary of the first online file in the Gutenberg Project (Declaration of independence of the United States). The Gutenberg Project was born in 1971, being its promoter Michae Hart. Nowadays there are 18,000 books. It is a collaborative and unselfish project in which any Net user can offer help, and it tries to offer literature to the most of people as possible, editing titles which can be accessible in an easy and free way, and being compatible with all kind of computers and softwares, always observing the authors rights.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: July 04, 2006