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May 30, 2006
Translators of Children’s and young people Literature Directory
Last May 17th 2006, the Translators of Children's and Young People Literature Directory was showed. It was drawn up by the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez, in the Research and Documentation centre, sit in the Centro Internacional del Libro Infantil y Juvenil de Salamanca, (International Center for Children’s and young people books), in collaboration with the Faculty of Documentation and Translation in the Salamanca University. That tool, which is available in the Internet, has 144 records and it gathers translators of children’s and young people literature borned or living in Spain. It gives information about their academic and professional profiles, prizes and works and languages they are translated into. Moreover, it has a form for translators who wants to join the directory and a suggestions box for those who are interested in it.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: May 30, 2006
May 26, 2006
Virtual Library of Historical Press
Recently, The Culture Department of Spain has put on line a new information service. It is the Biblioteca Virtual de Prensa Histórica, (Virtual Library of Historical Press), through which you can access to periodicals published since the end of the Eighteenth Century. This tool, that can be consulted in all the Spanish official languages and also in English, is the result of a cooperative electronic data processing among the Culture Department, The National Public Libraries, and other institutions for the historical memory. It is intended to preserve and make accessible bibliographic supplies that are unique. The acces to the publications can be done through a list of titles and localities, through a searching engine by title, library where it is located, province or autonomous community, or date of publicaton.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: May 26, 2006
May 15, 2006
Libraries 2.0
The success of Web 2.0 spreads to other fields and there is talk of Computing 2.0, Company 2.0, Media 2.0 ..., and even of Library 2.0. It would be a library whose services would be aimed to users, especially what refers to electronic resources. The tools for Web 2.0 are favourable to the interaction with users and they demand their involvement in it in a new way. The notion was coined by Michael Casey in his weblog by October 2005, as a result of the implementation of the technology and the basic rudiments of the Web to libraries 2.0. The technology is the same as for the weblogs, unionization of contents and other metadata, folksonomies, tags, chats, forums and other communication systems, as wiki sites, podcasting, social bookmarks (del.icio.us), images files, (Flickr), videos (YouTube), etc. Some of the Spanish initiatives are those from the Basque Country Network of Libraries. They have sindicated some of their contents; the initiative from de As Mariñas High School in Betanzos, whose users can use their blog in order to publish articles. This tool -blogs- and the use of SGF channels, are the most common for the time being, but the variety of the resources widely opens the posibilities of our libraries.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information technology | Published: May 15, 2006
May 08, 2006
Reading for discussion
There was two events related to reading and reading promotion, in Spain, last month. On the one hand, the European Meeting about Books and Reading was held in Madrid with the heading “Reimaginando la lectura”, (Thinking reading up). It was organizad by the European Union and the Spanish Culture Department, in the frame of the multiannual agreement for the cooperation in matter of books and reading, approved and financed jointly by the European Commision, inside the program Culture 2000. It is aimed to know and discuss about the reading habits, promotion policies and the involved agents in its developement along Europe. The conclusions will be officially given to the European Union. At the same time, it was, the I Congreso Nacional de la Lectura, (I National Reading Meeting), held in Cáceres by the Culture Department and the Junta de Extremadura, with the advice of the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez. That meeting joined more than 400 people for three days. The joiners were profesionals in different fields, and the gathered round a full program, with representatives of all the fields related to reading. It was an attempt to move forward a clear and full view of reading and its challenges in the 21st Century.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: May 08, 2006
May 02, 2006
Street Libraries
Moving libraries up to the poorer areas of towns through a mobile library and helping children to discover the pleasure of reading, has been an initiative from the Movimiento Cuarto Mundo, a group of volunteers. It has two plans of action, children and parents, although it is especially aimed to children. By joining together the street library and the school support classes it is intended to improve their health conditions, familiar situation, and attendance at school and relationships with other partners. Parents are helped to solve the daily tasks, as the access to public health, to public education, or to carry on administrative managements. There are future projects, aimed at young people and teenagers, about free time activities, vocational training and sexual education.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Services for disadvantaged | Published: May 02, 2006