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December 07, 2005

Espasa Encyclopaedia Centenary

The American Universal Illustrated Encyclopaedia, which is usually known as The Espasa, is 100 years old this year, since it was first produced in 1905. Although its marketing didn’t start till 1908. The Espasa is said to be the great Spanish encyclopaedia for the XX Century, as it has worked since then as a reference and for the training of lots of Spanish people. It has 115 volumes, 200 millions of words, 500 millions of bibliographic references and more than 100,000 biographies.
A commemorative volume, called “The Century of The Espasa” has been published because of the cntenary. It includes a walk round the main events in the XX century and a selection of texts in order to see its progress along the century.
In an effort to adapt to modern times, its inheritor will be showed this year: The Great Universal Encyclopaedia, with 24 printed volumes, a DVD-ROM or CD-ROM, and a Knowledge Portal accessible in the Internet.

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