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December 16, 2005
2004 Public Libraries Statistics
The Nacional Institute for Statistics (Instituto Nacional de Estadística, INE) has just published the Libraries Statistics for 2004, where we can see an improvement in comparision with the figures for 2002. It has to be emphasized the increase by 10.3% in the number of users, by 23% in the visitors, and 20.4% in the number of libraries with access to the Internet. The Statistic gives a number of 8,099 service points, with 6,585 libraries, most of them with publicly- owned (79.4%), the funding is from the public administration by 84.3%, by 73% of the libraries have Internet access, and the average size is between 5,000 and 10,000 volumes of printed documents.The INE makes possible the enquiry in detail to the Libraries Statistics for 2000, 2002 and 2004 and the download of the data since 1999.
Published: December 16, 2005
Category: Statistics
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