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November 28, 2005
Model for library users training
After one year of working (October 2004/September 2005), The TUNE Project, trainig of library users in a new Europe, has finished. The project has been funded by the European Commission through the Culture Program 2000 and they have joined the Castilla-La Mancha Regional Library, the Municipal Library of Helsinbörg (Sweden), the Municipal Library of Ränders (Denmark), and the Regional Public Lirary Oton Zupancic of Liubliana (Slovenia). As a result of the work of those four libraries the TUNE Model for users training has been published. It gives standards for the development of plans and sessions of users of libraries traning. The Spanish version can be dawnloaded from the project website, where it can be found the translation of the project into English and other languages, interesting documentation about users
training, and articles about TUNE published in several journals and presentations of the project in librarian forums.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: User training | Published: November 28, 2005
November 24, 2005
Prize for reading promotion
The Ermua municipality (Vizcaya), has been award-winner with the First Prize for the best project for the VIII Reading Invigoration Campaign in municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants, a prize worth 15,000€ and a lot of books. The money must be given for the improvement of the municipal library. The second prize went to the library Salas de los Infantes (Burgos), and the third one went to Mieres (Asturias) and Navarrete (La Rioja).
In the 2004 official announcement the prizes went to Chinchón (Madrid) and Alovera (Gualajara) and Los Santos de Maimona (Badajoz).
The competition is announced by virtue of a collaboration agreement among the Ministerio de Cultura, the Federación Española de Municipios y Provincias and the Fundación Coca-Cola. 516 projects have been proposed by 503 City Councils. In each campaign 350 projects are prizawinning with lots of children’s and teenager’s books, that are financed by the Ministerio de Cultura with 564,950€. In addition to that, since 2002, the Fundacion Coca-Cola finance three prizes that worth 30,000€ in total, shared between the best project in the year and the second and third prizes.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: November 24, 2005
November 18, 2005
Digital libraries initiatives
One year ago, Google walked its first steps with the construction of Google Book Search, first known as Google Prit. In this project google joined together with publishers and important libraries (four in the USA and one in Europe), in order to digitalize about 15 millions of books. Because of the problems with the copyright, the project has been criticized and denunciated by the american publishers associations. That is why the project has been slowed down and even temporarily stopped.
Another important search engine, Yahoo, has reacted by leading the project Open Content Alliance (OCA), in which participate Microsoft, HP, and Adobe, as well as a dozen of American and European libraries. Even if it is not operative yet, it is intended to digitalize about 150,000 books in a first stage. They are commited to ask for the necesary permission for the publication in the Internet of each digitalized picture, in order to avoid the problems that Google carries.
It is significant that Microsoft and The British Library has made an agreement in order to digitalize 100,000 books.
Google returns to the attack the first week in November, announcing the new collection of digitalized books, most of them are public antique books but it is going to be completed with current books in short period of time.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries | Published: November 18, 2005
November 15, 2005
Reading promotion for workers
The Spanish Minister of Culture and the General Union of Workers have signed an agreement to collaborate in the promotion of reading habits among the working population. The Culture Department has told, by press, that the collaboration will consist in the organization of literary programmes, conferences and exhibitions around reading and books.
The agreement is inside the activities for the Reading Promotion plan 2005-2006. Through that plan, there are being done several similar cooperation actions with social colectives and with the local administration.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: November 15, 2005
November 10, 2005
Book of books
The publisher Denes, has published the book “ Book of Books”, as a part of its collection Calabria. In that book there are 300 tales and curiosities related to books. The selection and the writing have been done by Enrique Gallud Jardiel, who has dedicated several paragraphs to tell anecdotes about libraries, like the story about The Pope Gregorio VII,who in order to promote the reading of The Bible, burned the Apolo Palatino’s Library for the other readings not to distract readers from The Bible; The story about the librarian who was said good bye for being inmoral, because he put together works wrote by men and works wrote by women; as well as the fact that the Leonardo Da Vinci’s Library had only 37 volumes.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: November 10, 2005
November 07, 2005
Congress about Mobile Libraries
This weekend has been made the II Congress in Mobile Libraries in Barcelona, three years after the first one. It was organized by the Asociación Castellano Leonesa de Bibliotecas Móviles (ACLEBIM), with the support of the Diputación de Barcelona and the Generalidad de Cataluña. During those two days, they have been thinking over the importance and the suitability of the mobile libraies services. About 100 professionals have taken part in it, among mobile libraries responsibles, and responsibles of libraries services at a provincial level. There was representatives for all the counties in Spain with the exception of Galicia, Asturias y Cantabria ( and Ceuta and Melilla).
It was there Ian Stringer, The president of the mobile libraries department in the IFLA, and there were communications from Spanish experts.
The mobile libraries in Cataluña Plan 2005-2013, was among the most important matters. The plan, that is not approved yet, anticipates to increase the number of mobile libraries to 29 during those years. The objective is that all the municipalities have access to the libray serices in the network. The mobile libraries from Castilla y Leeón (Segovia y Clavileño), Murcia, Castilla-La Mancha, y Barcelona went to the congress as well and we could see the improvements made in that kind of services: The new generation mobile libraries sevices.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Mobile libraries | Published: November 07, 2005
November 04, 2005
Web about mobile libraries
The Asociación Castellanoleonesa de profesionales de Bibliotecas Móviles (ACLEBIM), has put on line an interesting web page, where they gives news about their activities, offer resources and documents about movile libraries in Spain and in the whole world. In this section, it is offered a directory about movile libraries in Spain, links to the institutions that own those kind of libraries, documents,as the guidelines for that kind of libraries, or a bibliography about the matter. It is also included a group of resources about movile libraries out of Spain. Another interesting resource about movile libraries is the bibliography made by the Library of Castilla y Leon.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Mobile libraries | Published: November 04, 2005