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October 17, 2005

International Book Fair (Liber)

From 12 to 15 in October, it was celebrated the International Book Fair (Liber) in Madrid. It was promoted by La Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE). 20 countries have been represented, with more than 700 exhibitors. There are both in the event, the commercial and the professional part, as well as round table confereces, seminars, presentation of books, researches, and prizes...
The librarian field has had a leading role through several round tables: “Experiences of collaboration between public libraries and acholar libraries”, organized by la Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura, “The measurement of the librarian output: standards and influences in the libraries field”, organized by FESABID (Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía y Documentación), and “Bibliographic Herritage: What are we storing to?, organized by la Subdirección General de Bibliotecas de la Comunidad de Madrid.
In addition, the new Children’s and Youthful’s Book Fair, that will be celebrated next year in León, was presented: “Reading León 2006”, sponsored by El Salón del Libro de Barcelona, that will be holded from 8 to 13 in Barcelona in November, and the “Report about books domestic trade in Spain 2004”, sponsored by FGEE. About the prizes, we have to congratulate the Centro Provincial Coordinador de bibliotecas de Zamora, because of its movile libraries services, that received the prize to the best initiative in reading promotion in libraries. They were also given the prizes in reading promotion in mass media, that went to La Tribuna de Albacete; to the programme Estravagario, didrected and hosted by Javier Rioyo in the channel 2 of Spanish TV.
Next occasion Liber will be celebrated in Madrid, at the same time that the Congreso Iberoamericano de editores.

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