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October 19, 2005
Documental heritage thesaurus
The first multilingual thesaurus about culture is alredy accessible for free in the Internet. Thinking in making things easier for the experts in documental herritage, it gives access to several notions, experiences, and politics about culture, through the identification of the words in several languages, and through the search and recuperation of the information about European politics and experiences in herritage.
It also provides a tool for the terminologcal control in order to a best understanding of the concepts included in the database of Politics and Heritage (HEREIN). Nowadays it contains more than 500 words in seven languages: English, French, German, Spanish, Bulgarian, Polish and Slovene, and it is meant to include another 11 languages in the future.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Processing | Published: October 19, 2005
October 17, 2005
International Book Fair (Liber)
From 12 to 15 in October, it was celebrated the International Book Fair (Liber) in Madrid. It was promoted by La Federación de Gremios de Editores de España (FGEE). 20 countries have been represented, with more than 700 exhibitors. There are both in the event, the commercial and the professional part, as well as round table confereces, seminars, presentation of books, researches, and prizes...
The librarian field has had a leading role through several round tables: “Experiences of collaboration between public libraries and acholar libraries”, organized by la Dirección General del Libro, Archivos y Bibliotecas del Ministerio de Cultura, “The measurement of the librarian output: standards and influences in the libraries field”, organized by FESABID (Federación Española de Sociedades de Archivística, Biblioteconomía y Documentación), and “Bibliographic Herritage: What are we storing to?, organized by la Subdirección General de Bibliotecas de la Comunidad de Madrid.
In addition, the new Children’s and Youthful’s Book Fair, that will be celebrated next year in León, was presented: “Reading León 2006”, sponsored by El Salón del Libro de Barcelona, that will be holded from 8 to 13 in Barcelona in November, and the “Report about books domestic trade in Spain 2004”, sponsored by FGEE. About the prizes, we have to congratulate the Centro Provincial Coordinador de bibliotecas de Zamora, because of its movile libraries services, that received the prize to the best initiative in reading promotion in libraries. They were also given the prizes in reading promotion in mass media, that went to La Tribuna de Albacete; to the programme Estravagario, didrected and hosted by Javier Rioyo in the channel 2 of Spanish TV.
Next occasion Liber will be celebrated in Madrid, at the same time that the Congreso Iberoamericano de editores.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Book and publishing | Published: October 17, 2005
October 12, 2005
Quality Certification for Public Libraries
The network of municipal libraries in La Coruña has just obtained the quality certification for its lending services. In Spain, public library (biblioteca pública del estado), in Tarragona had got it, after a proccess of adaptation of four years, in March of 2004. This quality certification under the ISO regulation 9001, admits that the given service is good and it satisfies the expectations of the users. The organization gets this certifiication if it comply several requirements and if it offers services of quality. In Spain, with the exception of those two centres, the librarian services with quality certifications are in universities.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Quality | Published: October 12, 2005
October 11, 2005
Reading Promotion Plan
The promotion reading plan 2005-2006 has been launched last October 10th. It will hae a budget of 31 millions of Euros. Its plains of action are: First of all, the development of analysis tools, wich show the reading and librarian action, through statistical data, maps and observatories; next, several projects as literary meetings in educational institutions will be developed; to boost public libraries as a centre for reading promotion projects like the restoration and building of new libraries, to spread the new technologies; An Advertising campaing in TV, cinema and advertising (with an investment of 3,195000€ ); Lots of reading promotion acivities like the campaign “Books in the street”, put new energy in small municipalities, to take part in book ferias, atc.; Finally, work in collaboration with educative and cultural institutions, Ministries, foundations, and other institutions.
An special attention is given to those municipalities with less than 50,000 inhabitants, to public libraries managed by the Comunidades Autónomas, and to the strenghthening of the depressed social groups like inmigrants, prision population, and handicaped people. This year it insits in guide the users towards public libraries through reading, encouraging people to this habit at home.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: October 11, 2005
October 10, 2005
During the 6, 7, and 8 in Octuberit took place in Barcelona the International Conferences on Easy Reading. Here are grouped the materials that have been prepared in order to be read or understood by people with reading or understanding dificulties.
The IFLA has already published some guidelines about how should be that kind of materials. Those guidelines have been translated into Catalan by the Colegi Oficial de Bibliotecaris-Documentalistes de Catalunya, that also have arranged the Conferences (COBDC), besides la Associació Lectura Fácil, and the Centre for Easy-to-read in Stockholm.
Among the derived conclusion are the next ones: “The idea about easy reading goes with the idea of reading democracy”; “ It is important to encourage the habit of reading. Scolastic librarie can help the users and collaborate to develope this project”; “The law about books, reading and libraries must take into account the need for make, distribute and spread the Easy Reading materials”.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Reading | Published: October 10, 2005
October 04, 2005
School Libraries in Spain
The report “Scholastics Libraries in Spain: analysis and recommendations” has been just published. The responsibles are the Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez and the Idea Institute. The report has four sections. In the first two sections it is made a general view about the position of libraries in Europe and In the Spanish Comunidades Autónomas. In adition, a great study, starting from the interviews made to 16,000 students and 3800 teachers from 400 schools. With this work a significative resume of the matter has been made. In the last section, we can find the conclusions and the recommendations.
Among the recommendations: to establish an escholastic libraries plan which can be developed and completed in accordance with the educative law, to guarantee the necessary resources for libraries to be open in the afternoon and during weekends, the opening of coordinating centres or technical and technological support sevices for scholastic libraries and to strengthen its cooperation with public libraries.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs School libraries | Published: October 04, 2005