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June 22, 2005

Ten years of Dublin Core

In 1995 was formed in Dublin (Ohio) an international working group whose aim was to create standards that served to discover documents and add the resulting information in the source codes of those documents. Ten years later, this group, known as Dublin Core, have elaborated different recommendations and norms and some of them have even got the category of ISO norm. The Dublin Core server has a mirror in Spanish, kept by Eva María Méndez, professor of the Carlos III University in Madrid, who is also the responsible for the international conference that will celebrate ten years of existence of this group. Besides, Eva Mández, with José A. Senso, have elaborated the tutorial Introducción a los metadatos: estándares y aplicación (Introduction to metadata: standards and application), that the Spanish professional association SEDIC has prepared as a course os selftraining and it is very useful to know how the metadata Dublin Core scheme works.

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