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June 22, 2005
Ten years of Dublin Core
In 1995 was formed in Dublin (Ohio) an international working group whose aim was to create standards that served to discover documents and add the resulting information in the source codes of those documents. Ten years later, this group, known as Dublin Core, have elaborated different recommendations and norms and some of them have even got the category of ISO norm. The Dublin Core server has a mirror in Spanish, kept by Eva María Méndez, professor of the Carlos III University in Madrid, who is also the responsible for the international conference that will celebrate ten years of existence of this group. Besides, Eva Mández, with José A. Senso, have elaborated the tutorial Introducción a los metadatos: estándares y aplicación (Introduction to metadata: standards and application), that the Spanish professional association SEDIC has prepared as a course os selftraining and it is very useful to know how the metadata Dublin Core scheme works.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Processing | Published: June 22, 2005
June 16, 2005
Information literacy
One of the last professional weblogs presented is ALFIN: Information literacy, from which, according to its subtitle, recursos e ideas sobre cultura de la información y nuevas alfabetizaciones (resources and ideas about information culture and new literacies) are offered. The blog was made by José Antonio Gómez, professor in the University of Murcia and literacy and information expert, not only in the subjets he gives but also in the works he has published, as Estrategias y modelos para enseñar a usar la información (Strategies and models to teach using information), in which he was coordinator and was published in KR Publishing in 2000. ALFIN is a specialized blog, from which you can access to national and international documents about information training, reports, articles, information sources, etc, and also comments and reflections of this teacher.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: June 16, 2005
June 07, 2005
Information experts
Recently, two initiatives of professional interest have been spread and they are related to the identification of information experts in Spain and with the promoting of the discussion among professionals. The first one in EXIT, Directorio de Expertos en el Tratamiento de la Información ( Experts in Information Treatment Directory), with more than 150 Latin-American professionals related to Information. From each of them, data related to their occupational activity and their scientific publications are offered. The other new experience is ThinkEPI, born with the intention of gathering specialists from the different Information branches, to make the profession more dynamic, through reflexions and dicussions in different communication channels, above all through the distribution list Iwetel, which is now a referent among librarians, archivists and Spanish information professionals. The members of this group are offering, in a periodical way, different states of the art about the subjects in which they are experts, and they can be consulted in the Iwetel list and in the file created in the server of ThinkEPI.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: June 07, 2005
June 06, 2005
Navarra public libraries collective catalogue
There are more and more regions (Comunidades Autónomas) that offer collective catalogues of their public libraries. Navarra joins to the already existing networks and, through its institutional portal, it offers the service La biblioteca pública en casa (Public Library at home) that lets the consultation of the library funds in the Navarra General Library and other 39 municipal libraries more. The catalogue consultation, as usual, involves a library loaning service among the members of the network. In the same way, a directory of Navarra public libraries is offered, with data about their localization and opening.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library networks | Published: June 06, 2005
June 01, 2005
Guide for digital libraries
Trea Publishing has published the work Guía metodológica para la implantación de una biblioteca digital universitaria (Methodological Guide for the Creation of a University Digital Libray), realized by professionals and teachers in the Comunidad Valenciana. The book is structured in a progressive way, analyzing the different stages they must face in the formation of a digital library. The first chapters deal with terminology subjects and how to articulate a project of this kind; then, it treats more concrete subjects about the development of a digital library and aspects related such as copyright or cooperation.
Other older documents that will be useful for starting a digital library are Peter's work Noerr Digital The Library Tool Kit and that of Abby Smith Strategies for building digitized collections.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Digital libraries Monographs | Published: June 01, 2005