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April 26, 2005
Library and Information Sciences digital magazines
The investigation group Organització i Recuperació de Continguts Digitals from the Facultat de Bibloteconomía i Documentació de la Universitat de Barcelona have started the server Temaria. According to what is said in its presentation “Temaria is an application that lets the miltilingual consultation by subjects to articles of Spanish Information magazines through the elements of Dublin Core (DC). At the moment the application consists of DC metadata of the published articles in Anales de documentación, BiD and Hipertext.net; in the future it will apply to the rest of published articles in Spain. The retrieval can be made through simple or advanced searching, and also through a hierarchic thesaurus. It is one initiative more in support of the open files movement.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: April 26, 2005
April 01, 2005
School Libraries in Galicia
The Consellería de Educación y Ordenación Universitaria de la Xunta de Galicia has summoned the Plan de mejora de bibliotecas escolares en centros públicos no universitarios (Improvement Plan for school libraries in public centres other than universities). In Educative Portal of this Consellería we can consult this order published in the DOG of 29th March 2005. The plan remarks the selection of projects for the starting of school libraries and it says the following: “The school library is a strategic resorce for the pedagogical innovation that helps the revitalization of educative practices and the cultural life in the centres, and it is also an opportunity for teachers and pupils to use different resources that let a progressive autonomy in learning”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: April 01, 2005