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January 19, 2005
Library information portal
La Rioja University has created the Portal de Información Bibliotecaria (Library Information Portal), as means for the Grupo de Trabajo de Formación of REBIUN to have access to different resources and documents of professional interest. In this portal they give professional bibliograpy, through specialized databases, e-magazines, articles, reports and texts of science meetings, etc. In other section they group the resources of library interest: institutional documents; work documents; academic background; teaching centres; directories; norms; distribution lists; etc. The information can be consulted grouped in big thematic blocks: library management and administration; library processes and services; copyright; information technologies; the Internet and library and documental normalization. It also dedicates a section for the documents in which the members of REBIUN develope their experiences about services or electronic collections.
Published: January 19, 2005
Category: Information resources Training
Permanent link: P.URL
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