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January 19, 2005
Library information portal
La Rioja University has created the Portal de Información Bibliotecaria (Library Information Portal), as means for the Grupo de Trabajo de Formación of REBIUN to have access to different resources and documents of professional interest. In this portal they give professional bibliograpy, through specialized databases, e-magazines, articles, reports and texts of science meetings, etc. In other section they group the resources of library interest: institutional documents; work documents; academic background; teaching centres; directories; norms; distribution lists; etc. The information can be consulted grouped in big thematic blocks: library management and administration; library processes and services; copyright; information technologies; the Internet and library and documental normalization. It also dedicates a section for the documents in which the members of REBIUN develope their experiences about services or electronic collections.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources Training | Published: January 19, 2005
January 14, 2005
Asian libraries after the tsunami
Different institutions are valuing the disasters suffered in the libraries of the countries that have been victims of the tsunami of 26th December 2004. The IFLA has created a web site to spread the press releases that the affected libraries wanted the profession to know. In the note of 6th January 2005 the Sri Lanka National Library calculates that in its territory the damaged libraries have been 177 school libraries, 53 public libraries and 68 religious entities libraries. In 7th December 2005 the Sri Lanka Disaster Management Commitee for Libraries, Information Services and Archives was created, with the support of the National Library of this country, the UNESCO and the IFLA.
This commision is valuing the damage and the reception of aids. In press releases of 10th and 12th January 2005 the commision created for the disaster asks for economic aid, architectural planes, movible libraries, furniture, computing, audiovisual and office material, and also advisers and sponsors. More information about the disaster can be found in the specific pages of the Sri Lanka National Library and UNESCO.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: January 14, 2005
January 10, 2005
Libraries and children literature
Platero, the Virtual Library Miguel de Cervantes children and youthful literature portal, has included among its documents the Ana Garralón’s article La imagen social de la biblioteca en España. Libros infantiles y juveniles (The social image of the library in Spain. Children and youthful books) that completes the important contributions that this author had already made about infantil literature in Spain and Latin-America and that can be consulted in the catalogue of Platero portal of this excellent digital library. Ana Garralón is an expert in children literature and this is showed by her work in specialized magazines. In this article she asks Is the library a place attractive enough for a writter to use it in a story? In this extense document she analyzes how library and librarians are seen in tales and different children works. The reflexions are accompanied by a big bibliography, in which all the texts commented in the article are found.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: January 10, 2005
January 08, 2005
Calimera: an excellent information source about libraries
Calimera project is an essential tool to know the cultural and technologic development of the European countries. Heir of other projects such as Pulman, specialized in public libraries, Calimera offers informations about information technologies, public libraries, museums and archives. The nacional reports (Calimera Country Report) have special interest because they give a useful synthesis about the situation in each country.
The report about Spain has been made by Antonio Agustín Gómez Gómez, director of the State Public Library of Huelva and coordinator of the project in Spain. The report Spain: Information on Public Libraries, Local Museums and Archives offers the library, archives and museums Spanish data systems, and also the policies that are being carried out in the Spanish territory, the figures resources and the projects related to electronic information.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: January 08, 2005