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December 29, 2004

Spanish National Library new web

Spanish National Library has updated its web, changing the design, reorganizing pages and giving new informations. The web site has been structured in five groups: use of library, collections, catalogues, services and digital library. This last section is the newest, because from it, we have access to the digitalized funds of the National Library. According to the current figures, in the BNE catalogue are included 2.020.672 modern books from 1831, 89.283 old books to 1830, 7.984 manuscripts and documents, 117.817 magazines and newspapers, 78.294 prints, drawings and pictures, 40.085 maps and planes, 39.432 videorecordings, 100.245 scores and 205.500 sound recordings. The number of reproductions to which we can access from the Digital Library is 8550.

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