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December 27, 2004
Management of projects on information
Trea Publishing has edited the Ernest Abadal’s work Gestión de projectos en información y documentación ( Management of projects on information), first work of this kind published in Spain. Adabal’s background is well known because he has been investigating for years about Information in Barcelona University. Trea Publishing
has promoted its new publications in this way:
“The project management is a well known and used methodology that is useful to facilitate the design, planning and execution of products and services of any kind and from every sector. The information professionals use more and more the project management for the creation of new services ( for example, answering reference information consultations through web forms), for new products ( for example, the digitalization of a historic fund) or also for the reform suggestions of the already existing ones.
Therefore, the goal of this work is to put in contact both elements, that is, to adapt this methodology to the projects in the field of information, carried out by professionals in their organizations or by academicians in investigating scene.
The book is structured in three parts. Firstly, it deals with the concept of project and it details the five big stages in the project life: analysis, definition, design, planning and execution. Then, it gives a brief description and valoration of the main data searching techniques that are frequently used for the phases of project analysis and design. Finaly, it presents the main ways of getting economic resources for the project financing. Then, is includes a decalogue for a good projetc.
The exposition is accompanied with specific examples in the field of information that try to show the most practical and applicated side of the projects working as illustrations or graphic text complement.”
Published: December 27, 2004
Category: Monographs
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