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December 30, 2004
Building for libraries in the 21th century
Educación y biblioteca magazine dedicates its number of November/December 2004 to the library buildings. The dossier has been coordinated by Juan José Fuentes Romero and it has collaborations from experts such as Didac Martínez, Alfonso Muñoz Cosme and Santi Romero, who was responsible for the work La arquitecura de la biblioteca (The Library Architecture), published by the Colegio de Arquitectos of Catalonia (COAC).
In the monography they include an excellent bibliographic compilation: Literatura profesional sobre construcción y planificación de espacios bibliotecarios (Professional literature on construction and planning of library spaces), realized by José Pablo Gallo Arias, director of Murcia Regional Library. In the bibliographic compilation, great manuals are gathered and commented; manuals on library planning; specialized meetings; magazine complete numbers; articles, comunications and collaborations in general works; papers on theoretical, architectural and historic aspects; documents on accessibility and architectural barriers; norms and evaluation and specific sources about equipments, furniture and design aspects and planning. In this selection web resources are also offered, such as the IFLA Library Buildings and Equipment Section or the Linda Levar’s excellent site Planning and Building Libraries.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: December 30, 2004
December 29, 2004
Spanish National Library new web
Spanish National Library has updated its web, changing the design, reorganizing pages and giving new informations. The web site has been structured in five groups: use of library, collections, catalogues, services and digital library. This last section is the newest, because from it, we have access to the digitalized funds of the National Library. According to the current figures, in the BNE catalogue are included 2.020.672 modern books from 1831, 89.283 old books to 1830, 7.984 manuscripts and documents, 117.817 magazines and newspapers, 78.294 prints, drawings and pictures, 40.085 maps and planes, 39.432 videorecordings, 100.245 scores and 205.500 sound recordings. The number of reproductions to which we can access from the Digital Library is 8550.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: December 29, 2004
December 28, 2004
Copyright and public lending right
The European Commision and the politicians and professional representatives from several countries of the European Union keep on finding difficulties in elaborating laws on public loan of works in libraries. After the pression carried out by library sectors, with the suppport of a big number of authors (see web pages where actions are gathered), the European Commision have decided take Spain, Ireland and Portugal to the Tribunal de Justicia. The reason is expressed in the press release in the following way: “Not having integrated completely in their national legislation the public loan right previewed in the Directiva 92/100/CEE about renting and loaning rights and other rights related to royalties in the field of copyright”. On the other hand, the Commision have started the infraction proceedings against Denmark, Filand and Sweden, countries that payed partialy for the public loan, because it just affected local authors or those who wrote in nacional languages.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Intelectual property | Published: December 28, 2004
December 27, 2004
Management of projects on information
Trea Publishing has edited the Ernest Abadal’s work Gestión de projectos en información y documentación ( Management of projects on information), first work of this kind published in Spain. Adabal’s background is well known because he has been investigating for years about Information in Barcelona University. Trea Publishing
has promoted its new publications in this way:
“The project management is a well known and used methodology that is useful to facilitate the design, planning and execution of products and services of any kind and from every sector. The information professionals use more and more the project management for the creation of new services ( for example, answering reference information consultations through web forms), for new products ( for example, the digitalization of a historic fund) or also for the reform suggestions of the already existing ones.
Therefore, the goal of this work is to put in contact both elements, that is, to adapt this methodology to the projects in the field of information, carried out by professionals in their organizations or by academicians in investigating scene.
The book is structured in three parts. Firstly, it deals with the concept of project and it details the five big stages in the project life: analysis, definition, design, planning and execution. Then, it gives a brief description and valoration of the main data searching techniques that are frequently used for the phases of project analysis and design. Finaly, it presents the main ways of getting economic resources for the project financing. Then, is includes a decalogue for a good projetc.
The exposition is accompanied with specific examples in the field of information that try to show the most practical and applicated side of the projects working as illustrations or graphic text complement.”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: December 27, 2004