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March 31, 2004
New work on School Libraries
José Antonio Camacho Espinosa has published in Ediciones de la Torre the work La Biblioteca escolar en España: pasado, presente…y un modelo para el futuro (School Library in Spain: past, present…and a model for future). In this work he makes a historic journey through the presence of libraries in Spanish libraries and he also creates questions of organization, services, cooperation, etc.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Monographs | Published: March 31, 2004
March 30, 2004
Remodelling Correo Bibliotecario
Correo bibliotecario informative bulletin, published by Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, has changed essentially the digital version of this publication. In the bringing up to date, they have followed the criteria identificating a portal site, according to design and organization of contents; keeping the structure of the sections of the published edition and the complete text of the articles, which distinguished this publication from other of this kind. With this new presentation the Correo Bibliotecario reasserts as an informative recourse of essential interest to the Spanish professionals, where they can know the public libraries activity, new norms and publications and other useful informations.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: March 30, 2004