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September 11, 2003
Library Weblogs
La Revista Española de Documentación Científica has published in its second number of 2003, from April to July, the article Weblogs: un recurso para los profesionales de la información, which can be consulted online. In this paper they offer different directions from which you can find library blogs, and at the same time they analyse the most interesting al international level and they comment those made in Spain.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: September 11, 2003
September 03, 2003
Spain and the information society
The Fundación Auna has published the 2003 edition of its annual report about Desarrollo de la Sociedad de la Información en España. Among the different treated subjects they offer the Spanish normative framework, the use of the TIC by the Public Administrations, enterprises and citizens, and also the implication of the TIC in the electronic commerce, turism, health, science, formation or local administration. In the final chapter they offer acomparative with the European contest and the activity in (Comunidades Autónomas) regions is ilustrated. Some of the annexes in this report can be consulted online.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information society Publications and documents | Published: September 03, 2003