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August 19, 2003
Intelectual profiles
U.S.A. Government is taking unimaginable measures in its supposed strategy against terrorism.It seems that nobody surprises that liberties are being reduced in the name of invisible enemies possible threat. American libraries are being affected by the regrettable initiatives from the government, because the FBI has asked them information about their users and the documents they consult, with the intention of getting their intelectual profile. Ignacio Ramonet, director of Le Monde Diplomatique, offers this and other examples of the unconscionable actions of Bush’s Administration in the interesting editorial in the number of August 2003 of this publication.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: August 19, 2003
August 18, 2003
Library webs
Antonio M. Lorenzo Górriz, Jefe de la Unidad de Documentación General de la Presidencia de la Generalitat Valenciana, has put online the web site Servicios presenciales en las bibliotecas: los webs bibliotecarios, where he gathers different directions, documents and informations about the Internet service in libraries. This site is advisable not only because, appart from giving lists of links, it selects and comments the resources, and includes theoretical explanations about how these services must be offered.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Information resources | Published: August 18, 2003
August 08, 2003
Librarians without power (but with information)
El Pais diary in its edition of July 31st 2003 published some declarations made by José B. Terceiro, after this expert in information society presentation in the Cursos de Verano de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Profesor Terceiro said: “Contary to what is thought, information is not always power. Librarians, who have no power, are the people who have more information. Politicians, who represent power, used to be very bad-informed.”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: August 08, 2003