May 29, 2003
Iraq Nacional Library disaster
Javier Gimeno Perelló, librarian of the Universidad Complutense in Madrid has sent to the PUBLICAS list an alarming message about the loss suffered in the Iraq National Library at the beginning of the occupation of this country by the American army.
Given below we offer part of this message, due to its importance of knowing hereditary losses of a centuries-old culture caused by incoherent policies and irresponsible acts:
“National Library, inaugurated in 1977 with a building of 10.240 m2, built in the arabic architectural arabic stile, special in windows and lattices, architectonic jewel thanks to its beauty, spaciousness and services, had thousands of manuscripts, all of them fuel to the flames. Among the most relevant losses we shoud emphasise: El Canon en Medicina de Avicena (980-1037 d. C.), that was manual of medicine universities for centuries, not only in Slamic countries but also in mast of the occidental countries; Tratado sobre los números de Abu Said al-Magribi (1819); Tratado sobre pesos y medidas de Kadim b. Qasim al-Hasani (1851); Najh al-Balaga (El Camino de la retórica) de Ali b. Abi Talib, Prophet’s cousin and son-in-law, year 1160. Maniuscripts also included in the National Library written in Persian and Turkish were burnt too.They have also lost the whole documental section about the Ottoman Empire kept in the library, including thousands of letters and missives; the collection formed by near half million of documents related to the Hachimita Family, to which the Iraq Royal Family belonged, and also all their private books, kept there. A big number of letters and missives refered to the relationship between Iraq and the Sharif Husayn of Meca before the Great Arabic Revolution”
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: News | Published: May 29, 2003
May 28, 2003
Authorities catalogues online
The Red de Bibliotecas del CSIC have started a new OPAC for the consultation of its authorities catalogue, in which you can consult at the same time both printed publications about authors that they published: Lista de Autores y Entidades de la Red de Bibliotecas delCSIC and Lista de Encabezamientos de Materia de la Red de Biblitecas del SCIC. This initiative is really useful for the job of authorities made in libraries. They are also interesting resources online the indexes of the Spanish National Library, LC Authorities, Of the U.S.A. Congress Library and OPALE of the French National Library.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Processing | Published: May 28, 2003
May 27, 2003
Report on the public library in information society
The Servei de Biblioteques de la Diputació de Barcelona has made the report La biblioteca pública: nuevos retos y estrategias en la sociedad de la información, in which the new stages in the public library are analised, the fields in which it should
move, the new professional profile, tha planification, spaces, services and the strategic lines that they must follow. The report can be found in the web.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Publications and documents | Published: May 27, 2003
May 25, 2003
Electronic magazine
The magazine Anales de Documentación, edited by the University of Murcia in printed and electronic format, has put online the articles of the number 6, year 2003. In this article, interesting papers about public, natonal or digital libraries appear, among other subjects.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Serials | Published: May 25, 2003
May 24, 2003
Starting the trip
Libraryblog (english version of Biblioblog) begins its ride with the intention of telling all the places its journey faces. Libraries everywhere. In Libraryblog we want to describe the most interesting places and the most remarkable facts. We want to be a travel journal, but we also want to travel in company and interchange the impressions with other travellers. That is why, if you want to write in our diary, send a message to the steersman and all of us will have our travel news arrive to port. Good trip.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Libraryblog | Published: May 24, 2003
Study on library collections
The Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez has made a study on Spanish public libraries collections, directed by Hilario Hernández. The electronic version, bigger than the printed one, can be consulted in the server This study complements the one realized about public libraries in Spain, that can be consulted in Travesía.
Permanent link: P.URL | Category: Library collections | Published: May 24, 2003